


2 years, 1 month ago


WIP - Cleaner image coming at some point.

A troll. Huge guy. 

  • Male, he/him.
  • About 3 meters tall. 
  • Age comparable to a young adult. 
  • Lives in the forest as trolls do. Lives with a small clan. 
  • Has tapetum lucidum, and nictating membranes in his eyes.
  • Curious, but wary. As trolls tend to be territorial, he built in sense of wariness towards strangers, troll or not. 
  • Excellent sense of smell and sight. Can see pretty well in the night. 
  • Strong, fast at short distances. Short legs are strong, but not really meant for running long times at a time. 
  • Big arms; strong, but tends to be lil clumsy. Can walk bipedally or quadrupedally, varies on the situation. 
  • Doesn't speak any human languages, but is intelligent enough to learn them. Cannot speak it however, as his voicebox nor mouth is not really built for speaking like humans. Trolls mostly vocalize via grunts, growls and roars and via bodylanguage.
  • As trolls have thick and long fur, grooming is important part of their society. Helps keep the pests out too. 
  • Non-monogamous; females are larger, and choose their partners every year. But as they are capable of making choices, some decide to keep one mate, some like having multiple males; it depends on the troll really.
  • Threat to humans; avoid at all costs.