Xili's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

aeloft Global Rules

i don't run background checks on everyone i do business with. if i have interacted with a dangerous user unknowingly, you are free to privately dm me a warning, i won't mind. please only dm me if it's serious and there is evidence - non-dangerous interpersonal drama is none of my business.

i do not care if someone is a "character hoarder" of any variety, unless the designs are stolen. do not dm me about it.

if you would like me to update design permissions for a character, dming me is the best way. it's never a bother, i don't mind being asked, though responses may take a bit.

i have a private blacklist for people who make me uncomfortable or break enough rules that it's a significant inconvenience to deal with. i consider myself to be generally lenient and understanding, so i feel as though i need to be pushed decently far to do this. i do not appreciate being contacted on alts about blocks and the like, i will not answer you. i do not revoke designs, ever, as i find it to be more hassle than its worth. i will only block and refuse to work with someone in the future.

T.O.S / Info

  • generally i'm pretty loose with what people can do with my designs, and most of the following applies to the details of trading/claiming/etc. if its not a hard 'please dont', then its probably fine. 
    • you can redesign any of my designs to your discretion, with no limits, even if the design becomes 'unrecogniseable'. i ask that you do not edit my artwork in the process. you may add yourself as a designer, but do not remove my credit.
    • you're free to unlist, private, etc any designs you get from me upon ownership. i do not require a key if you do this.
    • you're free to delete my designs or artwork off of toyhouse (i'd prefer you didn't, but i won't go out of my way to stop you) but i am not responsible for any images lost in the process, and i may not have backups.
    • ask before turning a design into a pre-existing closed species, please.

  • do not upsell my designs by a significant amount without additional artwork, in terms of both money and art/design offers. just don't scalp. 
    • do not sell or trade my freebies (customs or premade) without additional artwork. literally all i ask is that you throw on at least a sketch or something before rehoming for a profit. you will be blocked and privately blacklisted if i catch you doing this. profiting off the back of free work is a dick move

  • After ownership of a design has been transferred, I am no longer responsible for anything that may happen to it. do not drag me into disputes to fix something out of my control.

  • commercial use of a design itself is fine, be it selling some kind of merch, or intention to use in some kind of media, you don't need permission. do not use my actual artwork of said design for commercial use. i'd prefer to be contacted beforehand if you plan on crediting me in any public manner for design creation, however.

  • if you claim a character via trade/paypal and don't respond to confirmation within 48 hours, i'll assume you're no longer interested. i do not send transfers before payment is completed, ever.
    • in the case of art offers, im willing to be very patient, but i may send occasional dms to ask for an update. if these go without an answer for 2 weeks, i'll assume you're no longer interested, and relist the character for offers.
    • i do not do refunds for characters already sold. however you are free to resell any designs at any point - there is no 'cooldown period'.

  • i don't blacklist/block people for backing out of offers, but i will block people who delete claims/offers without a word. i still get the notification in my inbox regardless of deletion and it will stay until i remove it myself. i have no way of knowing if an offer has been deleted without manually checking and it can result in holding a design for days by accident. just let me know if you can't/aren't interested anymore.
    • i'm less lenient with ghosting nowadays, i may privately blacklist and block depending on severity. something $2-$5 will probably be let off with some irritation but i rarely price anything over $10 unless i need the money.