Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



- My profile contains characters with an extreme history of abuse!! All characters SHOULD be separately marked with their own specific warnings, but please please please, if I forgot something don't hesitate to verbally smack me in my DMs
- Some of my characters are addicted to drugs/alcohol, and some use drugs/alcohol recreationally!! Again, they should be marked under warnings, but keep that in mind!! You will see references to drugs/alcohol on this page!
- Religious trauma is EVERYWHERE in most of my characters!!! If this is a trigger for you, I just want to remind you to be careful, and take care of yourself!!
- I don't tend to hide real world situations from my characters. PLEASE, be mindful of warnings. Please please please, because what's written there is what is likely going to pop up frequently/in detail on the character's page.

- I am a huge horror buff as well, and a few of my characters deal with psychological horror elements, as well as other kinds of horror, like gore, body horror, etc.!! Please tread lightly!!


- I am hoping to soon add tabs for my more intense characters that leave out most things that should be warned, that way people can still look at designs/characters without worrying about running into something triggering!! I will update this as soon as I've completed it!!
-If you support the overturn of Roe v. Wade let the fucking door hit you on the way out, preferably off of a cliff! <3


I don't really blacklist people, so this section will remain unfilled for the indefinite future!
User - Reason
User - Reason
User - Reason

- If you have NSFW on your profile. I'm sorry, I have nothing against you at all, but it is a HUGE, HUGE trigger for me.
- If you are any kind of phobic/ist (homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemetic, sexist, etc.)
- If you deal with/support NFTs.
- If you support terfs, zoophiles, pedophiles, right-leaning things, etc.!
- I hate, hate hate hate toilet humor. If that's right up your alley, please try to refrain from using it around me. If it's on your profile anywhere, I'd prefer that we don't interact!


 DO ✅ 

- Shoot me a DM to chat!
- Ask about character interactions/rps!
- ask about commissions!


- ask for requests
- ask to erp
- offer on my main OCs

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


Child Abuse victim

Sexual Abuse Victim

Physical abuse victim

verbal abuse victim

self harm

Mental abuse victim

extensive trauma


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