Train Tracks



2 years, 2 months ago


Train Tracks LOVES trains. Her whole life revolves around them. She's very eccentric (like her mom), but it takes a different road. She grew up with a huge family. Despite that, for the longest time she had no idea what to do. Than at age ten she had her first train ride. She was bouncing off the walls. The fact that such a cool thing could take ponies all across the world made her so happy! She gained her cutiemark right than and there. When she was a teenager she began working at a train company. She soon gained another father figure in the form of Hot Steam, the owner of the Equestrian Rail Road company. She quickly tutored under him. She did all the jobs needed, such as conducting, schedule-making, and even shoveling coal! She proved herself tenfold. Than he called her in his office one day. He revealed that he was a dying man. For many years the company passed down leadership between father and son. His only living family (his sister, two nephews, and five great-grand nephews) had no interest in taking over. The company would have been sold to someone else. Than he told her that he saw her as a daughter. He knew who just to give the reigns to. 

When old Hot Steam passed away, Train Tracks took over as the owner of the Equestrian Rail Road company. She is pretty rich all things considered. She was the first out of her momma's kids to settle down and have a family with the son of famous train conductor Steamer (TBN), who loves his big, strong, and smart wife for who she is.