


9 years, 6 months ago


Yes, that Loki. I like my Loki better though. :P

Name: Loki
Height: 6'4 (193 cm)
Appearance: Lithely toned
Age: 3000+
Gender: Male
Personality: Sociable/Affable/Playful/Caring/Keen/Level-headed/
Species: ???
Affiliation: Himself
Combat Roles: Summoner/Tanker/Trickster
Affinities: Animals/Runes
Power Level: S+

Interests & Dislikes:

Hobbies: Traveling/Peoplewatching/Socializing/Learning all sorts of new things/Hunting & Gathering/Writing/Singing/Partying/Runecraft/Petty theft

-Meats and spiced foods
-Accumulating useful trinkets
-People, animals, plants, many things...probably even rocks and air...
-Long-lived or immortal people
-Making and recording observations on a variety of things
-Getting to know all the different places and things in the world(s)
-Making friends, acquaintances, business partners, etc...
-Pranks and jabs, ranging from light-hearted to moderately malicious
-Nicking stuff...

-Losing memories
-Dull speeches, oratory performances, contracts, etc...blah blah blah...
-Throwing shade on Norse mythology...not that anyone knows about it these days so...
-Reminiscing too long on the loss and disappearance of his loved ones from long ago
-Poorly made food
-Being told no
-Drab fashion
-People who blindly follow others
-Bitter foods

-Is both very amused and disdainful of the human settlers' short-lived plan (in his eyes) in surviving on their new planet
-Is polite but standoffish in general to mortals, doesn't make connections as closely as he does with longer-lived and immortal beings
-He's extremely enigmatic about his origins and who he really is. Loki doesn't give out answers, but he doesn't dismiss people's rumors that he is a god or some kind of demon lord or even just a really, really strong nonhuman piggybacking on some ancient myths. He finds all of it very amusing!
-Is probably way older than 3 millenia plus, but the numbers started blurring together and becoming kind of unimportant ages ago
-Generally has some kind of animal(s) following him around or perched on him, though he can dissuade them as well
-Takes on a human form when say, at Riviera or something, but otherwise is in his true form, mouth stitches and all
-Can be genuinely caring, but hard to tell because he is also totally a jerk
-Knows general-use spells such as repairing broken things or summoning stuff or sending a message to others, along with powerful versions of basic offense and defense spells, like massive firebolts, etc...
-Far more skilled with runic work, which he uses to construct highly sturdy wards and barriers and booby traps, along with general convenience (like keeping a pint of beer cold on top of a rune-carved coaster lmao)
-On the rare occasion, sticks his head back into the Old World just to marvel at how fucked up it's become! Also likes to check out other dimensions and worlds when able/capable
-Misses his "original family" and their untimely demise, but that doesn't stop him from doing what he wants, such as living life, making new loved ones, and even creating new families
-Thanks to his bending ability and inability to be kept out among other things, Loki is able to find the "chinks" that exist between worlds/dimensions more easily than nearly everyone else and uses it to travel between them. It generally isn't the easiest task though. Most of the "chinks" for Earth exist in corrupted spaces. 


Animal Affinity - Has the ability to converse with all animals, whether or not they are intelligent or dumb is another matter. Able to manipulate or coerce them to do his bidding as well. Also tends to get followed by critters like he's a Disney princess, but he can sort of "tamper" down this part of his affinity to go into buildings and stuff lmao

Indomitable Movement/Boundaries - Can't be kept locked up or kept out if he doesn't want to be. Jail doors will magically unlock or fall open, a train that pinned him beneath may turn out to have a weak section right on top of him so he can get out easily, a locked door to a vault might swing open, and etc. Paired with his durability and other capabilities, Loki can even traverse underwater, or walk into a volcano or corrupted lands and be relatively fine. Perhaps even space is withstandable for him. However, due to the extreme environments of these places, Loki cannot be there indefinitely and does need to head back to safer lands eventually. He also has nigh-infinite stamina because of this ability. 

Law-Bending - Able to bend rules of all kinds, be it conceptual or physical. Loki will see it as a string of symbols and alternate them. For example, someone could be shooting at him, but Loki bends the rules so that the bullets just barely miss him. Or he could bend a small fire's strength so that it becomes bigger, like a roaring bonfire instead. Injuries can be "bent" so that they are less severe or so that Loki heals faster. He could even bend someone to have higher or poorer capabilities. Generally speaking, he cannot bend to the point that he warps reality in a "big" way. He cannot cause a scrawny kid to become a beefcake, or bend a dog so it becomes a cat. He most certainly cannot bend the sky and earth so that they are flipped upside-down. Additionally, bigger and more complex "bending" takes much more energy out of him.

Maker of Monsters - Loki can make and summon monsters with a touch of his magic, such as for example, touching a stone and having it turn into a massive serrated spider. Loki is able to do this to both inorganic and organic materials. The touch of magic always causes the creation to turn into some sort of monstrosity, Loki is only able to create semi-normal beings with great difficulty. The summons are bound to him and have an intellect ranging from nonexistent to limited (like a dog). He is able to "live" through them, and speak through them, though generally in a creepy and mangled manner as most of them have deformed vocal cords. 

Shapeshift - Able to shift into various humanoid forms (including just human) and a large variety of animal forms

Speechcraft - His voice makes one want to listen to him and give him both of their ears and shoulders, but he can tone this down, especially if the people are becoming too fawning. He doesn't like that very much. Loki is able to induce belief in others with his speech, such as convincing them that their faithful spouse is cheating, or that they will succeed in their goals. Basically, his words can help to fortify people and give them support or completely tear them down. It is also hard to tell if he is lying or twisting his words. People with certain powers and willpower are able to resist, though it is also dependent on how strong they are as well. Loki is also able to tell when other people are lying or obfuscating info and when their words are laced with magic. 

Superhuman strength and durability, Enhanced reflexes, Basic Weave (Storage, teleportation, Barrier, Repair, etc...)

Gungir - Forged from the remnants of Gungir and other powerful materials, this is technically Gungir 2.0. Like its predecessor, the spear is able to strike its target with perfect accuracy. The spear has fire and light affinity as well and Loki upgraded it so that it's capable of shooting a red laser beam that cuts through nearly everything. It is nigh-impossible to break or steal, as Loki can summon it back to him and in the hands of a stranger, the spear will turn very, very heavy. Additionally, runes have been inlaid inside of it that promote defense and healing.

Memento - A powerful, semi-living sword forged in the memories of his "original children," they channel and represent the brood's powers. The blade is extremely sharp and will cut through nearly everything, and each slash can bring forth howling winds. The sword's speed is very fast as well, and the blade's edge may be dipped in poison that causes various effects. The sword can additionally turn into a very long blade and a giant form reminiscent of Jormungandr if he was a "bladed snake" that slashes anything in its path while spitting water and poison. In this form, its venom can heal most wounds but bring destruction as well.  Loki is able to summon and disperse the sword at will.

-His highly social nature and love for people can lead Loki into highly unwise and harmful encounters. However, he is very strong and can't be held down, so what does it matter?
-Venom is absurdly painful to him and even his Memento's venom in healing form causes soreness.
-Cabin fever gets terminal if it goes on for too long