


6 years, 6 months ago


 Name: Shoosh Burrell     

 - Her birth name is Augustus Burrell

Date of Birth: 
April 2nd
Trans female
Country of Residence:
  Preference for females

    +open minded
    * forgiving
    -somewhat hot headed (when given a reason to be)
    - has no censer (by censer I mean she has a habit of cursing. If she slips and the person she is talking to hears it she will correct herself, however if they are friends she'll just keep with it)
    -Scardy cat
    -self conscious/low self esteem

Note on personality:
    - In the past she struggled with keeping things inside and would explode in a fit of anger. Due to this habit she sometimes still does this however she reminds herself to remain calm rather then yell.
    - Even though she says shes a calm person she is not at all :')
    - being in places with a lot of people around gives her anxiety
    - She hates when she yells, not just cause it hurts her throat ,but because it reminds her of the emotional abuse from her mother and she doesn't want to bring that onto other people.

 Likes: Music, bohemian style, drawings, writing, painting, flowers, stuffed animals, vegan dark chocolate, yoga, organic foods, gardening, relaxing, animals, life, loose cloths, freedom, nature, rain, horse back riding, family, observing things/people, raw emotion ,and friends

 Dislikes: loosing her cool, meat, dead things, yelling, constriction, dry weather/ humidity, crowded places, getting sick, dairy, parties, malls, anxiety, stress

The start of Shoosh's life was relatively normal. She was somewhat of a socially awkward person who struggled with fitting in and understanding themselves. When Shoosh was 4 her little brother was born ,and the family began to have problems ,but it was low key.
Around the time Shoosh was 5 her parents started to argue and fight. Being this young she did not understand why they would fight after all family is supposed to stay together, and she would feel very emotional about it. Whenever she cried her father would remind her she is a "man" and the older brother, that she needed to help her family.
As the years went on the fights grew more and more, becoming more intense. Around the time Shoosh was 8 her father left. This of course impacted her greatly, and brought a devastation to the hole family. After he left her mother would burst in fits of anger then go on drinking binges unable to handle the situation. Watching her mother cry and apologize became a normal site, as well as hearing her yell. Shoosh's mother was very verbally abusive. This consent abuse caused Shoosh to slowly sink into a lower and lower self image of herself and grow protective over her brother. Some days when it was really bad she would leave the house with her little brother and stay with her grandmothers for awhile.

    In middle school Shoosh started to feel very self cautious and struggled being around a large group of people. She was not male, and she struggled with the concept of being a female in a males body ,she believed changing the "natural" would ruin the way things worked. This idea caused her to be keep things to herself.  Finding speaking difficult and having a hard time expressing herself to people she began to paint as a way of coping and escaping. As she progressed in skills she would paint things for her family, mostly her little brother.

    After entering High school she was fed up with the house situation, it was messy, emotionally damaging, compressing, and disgusting.  However this remained buried ,she would silently burn inside when her mother came home from work. Starting Highschool she wanted a change to help her feel more in control and comfortable with herself.  She started to work part time at her grandmothers shop and after 2 years of high school she started to transition under her own desire and her grandmothers approval.  For the majority of high school she would live with her grandmother along with her little brother.
    During the end of her high school career she returned home to talk to her mother, upon entering the house the scene was a disaster. Nothing was taken care of, bottles all over the place, dishes all over the place. As soon as she entered her mother screamed at her for leaving the house with her brother.
This was the last time her mother would yell at her in drunken rage
Shoosh rose her quiet voice and shouted. She screamed everything she felt, everything from how she had made her feel to how low her mother had become. She was fed up, fed up with how her mother treated her ,and her brother. And how her mother was so messed up she wouldn't even take care of herself and was on unemployment.

     At 18 Shoosh decided to switch her life around. She wanted a safe place (other than her grandmothers place) where her little brother could stay at knowing he was okay while she was in college. She put her mother in rehab, knowing it was the best despite her mothers cursing on it.  
Now with a smile she can say things were gonna be okay.
She entered an art college and majored in fine arts. After 4 years of going through transition therapy and being on hormones she felt born anew and wanted to embrace this new part of her as well.
    Now her mother is out of rehab and returning to a more healthy life with the help from her own mother(Shoosh's grandmother), however a space in the relationship between Shoosh and her mother has formed, and massive damage in need of repairing remains.

- Shes vegetarian
- She a soft voice and a light British accent (she looses her voice often)
    - When she speaks her voice cracks occasionally.
    - She has the type of voice you need to be close to, or have good hears to completely understand what she is saying.
- knows sign language (2nd language when in school)
- Shes a natural blonde
- She gets colds often
- Though she likes nature she is a bit of a homebody (one reason why she is so pale)
- Blue flowers are her favorite however she knows they are uncommon so she usually settles for fake blue flowers.  (refuses to buy died flowers due to them being out of their natural color. She feels it harms them and shortens their life :') )
- Shoosh loves her mother, however she wants to be able to face her with complete confidence before repairing their relationship


Lewis Burrell/Father/status unknown/ After years of relationship complications with Alive her left. Shoosh was 8 when he left
Alice Burrell/Mother/Alive/ After her husband left she abused alcohol, and often would go through times of yelling and apologizing. After Shoosh turned 18 she took her mother into rehab to get her help.
Euan Burrell/Little brother/alive/ Precious smol of the family Shoosh's precious little bro.  p r o t e c t   h i m.
Flora Burrell/grandmother/alive/ Supported Shoosh in her transition and often helped her and her little brother when their mother would go through fits.