


6 years, 6 months ago


 Name: Juliet Ackermann

 Date of Birth
: June 18th

 Gender: female 

 Age: 19

 Country of Residence: Germany

 Nationality: American/German

 Height: 5'4

 Weight: 126lbs

 Sexuality: Asexual biromantic


 Fearless: Juliet is a very experimental person, and has a passion for solving her curiosities.  This being her drive, she can usually appear very fearless.

 Blunt: She is a free speaker, and will speak her mind. She will stand by her words too. However sometimes her bluntness can put her in some tough situations ,she tries to watch her mouth. 

 Confident: Juliet holds herself with a lot of self assurance , anyways she tries to.

: This is mainly  a way she teases people. She knows it could make her seem  mean, but she plays around like this with people shes close with.

 Caring: When it comes down to it, she wants to be there for people, in fact she feels happy when people feel close enough to share their problems with her. She often will ask people how they are doing to make sure they are okay. 

 Emotional: Juliet has a habit of burying things, along with her depression, she has difficulties  keeping a good day a "good day". She does well with suppressing things, but coping ,accepting, and acknowledging or all things she has difficulties with addressing. 

 Outgoing/Secretive: She loves conversation and trying to make people laugh, even if a little awkward at first. Shes very open about anything that's not personal. Though she is open she hides a lot of more personal things in her life. For instance  she will freely talk about her interest and favorite foods, but if she is asked about her history she will just brush it off ,and talk about something else.

 Likes: dogs, water (the ocean), the sky (night or day), punk and Gothic fashion, taking walks, sports, dancing, acrobatics, music(anything really), video games, pants, reading, comfy clothes

 Dislikes: feeling stuck in one spot or place, feeling depressed, bullies/mean or rude people, trusting people with personal stuff, saying something wrong (her bluntness), being alone, lairs, anxiety, drugs


Born in American with a German mother and an American father. Juliet grew up as a rather rambunctious and loud child, she always wanted to explore and try new things. Juliet's mother was very in love with her German roots, and would often take the time to teach Juliet about the her home, as well as its language, for years this continued.

    At a young age Juliet was shown the cruelty of others. In elementary school she was bullied , even though cruel, it was pretty common thing for kids her age. This continues streak of the bulling caused her to become more muted and slowly fade to becoming less ,well who she is. However she smiled, for some odd reason. Even when sad she would try to cough out a smile through it all she never lost the desire to make people laugh. Making friends was a struggle, she had trouble expressing herself, and had difficulties when meeting people. Juliet felt as if she had lost her voice and was suffocating. Of course her parents knew, and they did what they could to help.


    It remained like this until middle school. In middle school she met a girl who showed her into a friend circle. Juliet's old tendencies that had been muted for a long time has began to reappear as she got closer to the people in the group. Everyday became a new adventure spent with the group of 4. Within the circle were two boys and two girls. The two boys were childhood friends who were very close and had a passion for music. One of the boys was a dirty blond with brown eyes, named Adam. The other had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, named Tenor. As for the two girls, one had light strawberry blond hair and grayish eyes, named Addaline, she was Adam's girlfriend, and shared the boys passion with music. The other girl had long black hair and light blue eyes, her name was Mae. Mae was the one who introduced Juliet to the group, the two became instantly close. 

    During the beginning of the their high school years, everyone experimented with drugs, though Juliet stayed away from it and pulled the curious Mae out of it, she continued to be hang around them. However the more time passed the more  intense it got. Juliet often said that

 "They're all good people, just into bad things."

 Juliet's family knew little of what was going on, they had become preoccupied with the decision of moving to Germany ,where her mother grew up and her parents met. Juliet's mother had been wanting to return to Germany for a while, and after talking it over with her husband and Juliet it was decided they would move after Juliet finished high-school. It was also around this time Juliet started to have a closer relationship with Mae. By their sophomore year of high school Mae and Juliet became romantically involved, though they kept quiet from everyone outside the group about their relationship. This continued through her Junior year.

    In Juliet's senor year of high-school her parents learned of what the group had been involved in, and in a tragic way. It was on Adam's 18th birthday, Mae, Tenor, Addaline, and Juliet were all there. Everything was fine up until the party ended, everyone stayed later then they were planning too, and Juliet's parents were getting worried, so she left before anyone else. Later that night Juliet's house phone rang, and the call was something of mortifying details. There had been an accident, a car crash. 3 declared dead at the scene, and 1 hospitalized for sever injury. 

    Obviously Juliet became overrun with emotion. Her parents stayed by her, they knew of her friends, but little of their addictions, though they were suspicious time to time it would fade. However this time the suspicion was confirmed, but that didn't mater, loosing 3 of the closeted people she had in one night was terrifying, it was to much. Her parents did what they could to consult her and help her through the emotional time. Juliet connected with Addilane who survived the crash, small details filled in over time about it. The 4 were driving under the influence and ran off the rode. Juliet was thankful Addilane survived however she was devastated over the death of the three. She hated to say it, but she mostly cried over Mae. As time went by it seemed as if Juliet was sinking into a deeper and deeper state of sadness. She begin to be less involved, skipped school,stayed in her room all day, and ate little. "Get over it" "Its in the past", "It could be worse." Hearing those words never helped, it just made her sulk more. Juliet's mother and father began to watch their daughter slowly fade, they had to do something, they were sure she was showing signs of depression. Perhaps staying would be a bad idea. The family put Juliet in counseling and had her tested for any mental illness. She went into therapy ,though she often resisted saying she didn't need it, her family would push her to go "Get your smile on!" they would say. As Juliet started the counseling and therapy meetings, her family began to get ready for the move to Germany. Even though her high school year had not ended yet, they felt getting out of the place would help her.


     After moving to Germany Juliet did homeschooling and started therapy with a women named Katlin. Juliet's family would often talk to Katlin about Juliet's progress through the meetings, at first it was all negativity. Juliet's parents feared she would stay on a dangerous course. 

 Now Juliet finished high school, and continues therapy with Katlin who had become a close family friend. Juliet often meets with her to discuss how life is going, and vent things out. She still struggles with depression from the incident ,but her smile and outgoing attitude had returned, she also had picked up a hobby, dancing. She had no experience, but that's what class was for! She took dance lessons and worked part time at a coffee shop.Life had gotten better though she did suffer from occasional break downs, and struggled keeping a good day, a "good day" She had returned to a more lively state. Adjusting to the new life was hard ,but it got better. 

 Note on history/Personality

-Juliet is someone who tries to look emotionally strong, but is very weak. She usually can convince  herself of her strength  too, however due to this she emotionally buries things. The result of her burring things leads to a more frequent breakdowns.


-sometimes speaks German during conversations (occasionally an accent pops out)

-she dyed her hair red, her natural hair color is a light brown
She gets anxiety whenever when she is in a car

History relationships
Clementine Ackermann/  /alive/ Juliet's mother

Oliver Ackermann/  /alive/ Juliet's father

Adam/  / deceased / Addalines boyfriend who was part of their little friend circle. He died in the car crash.

Tanar/  / deceased/ Adam's best friend who was in the friend circle. Died in the car crash

Addaline/  / alive/ Survived the accident ,but with sever injuries. Juliet and Addaline lost contact after she moved away.

Mae/  / deceased/  Juliet's ex girlfriend, who was also in the circle of friends. She died in the car crash.

Katlin/  /alive/ Juliet's therapist and close friend who she meets often to talk to