


6 years, 6 months ago


Reference of all traits:

Name: York Shackelford

Name meaning: York is a play off of the species, and Shackelfold is a randomly generated name from The Sims

Species: German Shepherd + Stegodog + York Peppermint Patties (Dinodog)

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Birthday: March 15, 1994

Zodiac: Pisces

Chinese Zodiac: Dog


Eye size: Large

Eye colors: Dark blue, white star shine

Ear types: Standing up german shepherd ears

Ear size: Fairly big

Ear colors: Hair on the back is chocolate brown, inside is melting white, coming out of the ears

Hair style: Doesn't have human like hair

Hair colors: Same as fur

Muzzle/beak size:

Whiskers? y/n

Freckles? y/n

Fur/scales/feather colors: Brown

Fur/scales/feather length: Longer

Body type: A bit chubby

Weight: 5”6

Height: 141


Favorite movie: Zootopia

Favorite studio: Studio Ghibli

Favorite types of music: Punk and Alternative

Favorite bands: Blink 182, Gorillaz, Atlas, and Beastie Boys

Favorite show: Adventure Time

Favorite channel: Disney XD

Favorite food: Macaroons

Favorite color: Pastel Yellow


York's parents ((i might give them characters someday)) were quite poor, but excited for York. He grew up in Nevada, a bit of a drive from Lake Tahoe. As a kid, he loved the outdoors. As he was wandering around, he liked to collect different types of pine cones that lay about the trails. His parents were quite supportive of him, and he had an ok home life. Once, as he was walking down the road to a small creek nearby, he saw a figure down the hill in a pile of needles. Realizing the needles must hurt, York ran down the hill to help it. It was a ferret named Celeste. After helping Celeste, he asked him if he wanted to hang out. Celeste was resistant at first, but then agreed. Since that day, York and Celeste hung out every chance they got. Soon, they had become best friends. In grade school, York was beaten up a lot for his lisp and having uncommon interests. Cel, though small and weak, drove away anyone who tried to mess with York. Due to this, York was often covered with bandages and sent to different schools. Cel followed him and protected him as much as possible. Despite this, they would always get high marks in class and teachers loved him. High school was a different story. York realized this was a very fresh start, since his family had moved houses and none of his old schools were in the neighborhood. In the last few years of grade school, He and Cel watched a lot of comedy routines and learned how to be cool through being funny. So when high school came, they were both popular and went to a lot of parties. Cel normally had house parties since his parents were not home much and quite rich. They would both entertain at them and made the iconic duo the talk of the town. At college, Celeste's parents bought a nice house near to their college, as they moved in, along with one of York's new friends, a reindeer named Niliam. Celeste and York are going to college in order to become a comedic duo, and are quite excited.

Refrence Sheet:

I made it a really long time ago, i may update it someday.
