


6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Carter Liselotte

Alias: Carter

Other names/nicknames: TBA

Species: Cambion (Offspring of a human and incubus) 

Age: 21

Height: 5'4 (including horns) 5'0 (not including horns)

Weight: 119lbs


  • Illusion Manipulation: This ability can create little false images. She usually cannot make an illusion bigger then the size of a person. However if she absolutely has to she can mess with an entire scene for a very short period of time at the result of physical injury and strain to herself.
    • Note: This ability messes with a person's perspectives. Carter is not skilled in this ability of hers as she rarely uses it. People who have a strong enough mind can easily break through this. Her being not very skilled at it is also part of why it harms her so much to make a bigger illusion.
    • Fun fact! When Carter was a kid she made imaginary friends using this ability of hers! (she was a lonely kid :') )
    • Weakness: Continuous use of making a illusion larger then a person will cause her nose and in some cases her eyes to bleed due to mental and physical strain.
      • extended use can lead to internal harm. Her body will usually shut down before she can bring herself to this point.
    • In general with all her illusions there is usually something off about them, like a detail or a shadow is missing for someone who is observant it would be really easy to see between a fake and a real thing.
    • She can only make illusions of things she has visually seen at least once before. This could be a picture in a book to a cup on a shelf. This can be ether an advantage or a weakness depending on the situation.
  • Dream realm: To summarize this, its "Carter's small little dream space". Unlike what you would think, this realm is empty space. You could call this her "dream" as its a place she goes to when she falls asleep, however she has full  conscious control of it. As if in a constant state of lucid dreaming. Typically full bloods like her father would use spaces like these as places for intimacy, as within it they are able to summon others into it. However due to morals she would never force someone into her realm.
    • Within the dream realm her eyes are always visible. 
      •  The glow in her eyes are most noticeable in this realm
      •  plus she is typically alone in this realm so there is no reason for hiding them.
    • Weakness: Within the dream realm she has no perception of whats happening to her physical body or in the actual surroundings around her. The place could be on fire and she would be completely oblivious to it.
    • Carter typically is unable to dream. Whenever she sleeps she is in her dream realm. 
      • There are things that can however make her unable to enter her dream realm the main one being cold temperatures. During these times she will experience dreams instead.

Notable weaknesses

(for both abilities)

  • If its not obvious at this point the cold
    • Cold temperature literally impairs her abilities. aside from her appearance she's practically human during these times.
  • This is more of a moral/fear weakness then an ligament impairment. She refuses to bring others to her dream realm and use her illusion ability as she is worried that would give people clues as to what her species is.
    • She also feels her abilities are an invasion of privacy to others and it's rude to mess with people's heads


- Emotionally blunt | Socially awkward | Easily embarrassed | Oblivious
+ Caring | Obliging | Happy go lucky | Friendly

Notes on personality

  • She has a wild imagination and is often quick to jump to assumptions.
  • Due to past reasons she has a difficulty trusting people, however despite her expressive nature this IS something she will hide from people. She doesn't want people to know she doesn't trust them, unless they directly asked.
  • She is VERY protective of people touching her or getting in her "bubble" and even more protective if someone is or tries to touch her hair, or head.
  • She is self conscious of her "human" blood and her eyes. She can usually brush off insults easily, however if they involve her eyes or her species she takes it to heart.
  • She has a terrible memory when it comes to peoples names or places. Shes a very visual person.
  •  Impossible to get her angry. You can like pour hot coffee on her and she would apologize for it.
  • She's very naive and inexperienced with the world. Most of her knowledge comes from books.
  • She's childish in the respect of having an active imagination, curious about everything, and being stupidly oblivious.

animals, sweets, cute things, romance (books, movies, stories, songs, etc. Shes a sucker for really cheesy stuff), reading/books, nature, and exploring 

touching(any physical contact really), her eyes, humans (to a lesser extent compared to when she first arrived to the inn), being stuck somewhere for a long period of time, insults


            "Before I was born, no... Before my existence has even become thought of... Mother had such beautiful dark colored hair. It was wavy and well kept it shined and was soft,  she was the most beautiful out of all the other women in the city, so this is what I overheard from the men ,but they were only talking about the past her. During her pregnancy with me things became sour, the sweet words vanished were replaced with insult. Her beauty began to decay along with it, her black hair become unkempt, and grey. Bags  appeared under her eyes. The same eyes that people used to say sparkled as bright as the sky on a good day. Due to her religion it would be considered practically taboo to engage in such an activity before marriage. Being shunned was only 'natural' in their eyes" 

        Carter was born from a human women named Marin Conner, and an incubus named Elias Liselotte. Since the day Carter was born her mother kept strict care to hide her from others. She wasn't allowed to play with the other children, and she wasn't allowed to leave her mothers side. Carter's growing horns were always shaved down and covered in a hood. It might have been easy to hide her horns and ears ,however her eyes were something not so easily hidden. Her mother took special care to make sure her eyes were never seen. Before her hair could grow long enough to hide them Marin would make sure the hood was big enough to hang over her face. Of course this hindered Carter's vision so she always remained by her mother's side.

            "Ever since I could remember mother always said she hated my eyes... That they reminded her of 'him'. It wasn't just her though, whenever someone saw it... They'd freak out and call me a monster. It's not like I could control it. I cant do anything about how my eyes are. My only option is to hide them."

    Carter's mother created various rules and strict regulations for her to follow as she grew older. The last and only time she went against her mothers orders was when a child asked if she wanted to play, being 12 and curious she agreed to go play. She had fun with the other children until she tripped and her hood fell. The children who saw her screamed, and questioned her nubby horns, her ears, and her eyes. The screams brought concerned parents to the scene. Luckily she ran off before the parents could take a look at her. However that didn't change her mother's anger for what she had done. After that incident Carter's mother locked her in the house. She often left without a word and wouldn't return home for long periods of time. During the time her mother was gone Carter would go through her mother's large array of books. Reading became a passion, and escape,  and a way of learning. She favored fantasy out of all of them. She loved fairy tales, mostly the ones with princesses and princes in them. She idolized them in a way. Fantasy was not the only thing she would read. She would read almost anything she could get her hands on from bibliographies to set up manuals. It was how she gained most of her knowledge of the world around her. It also served as a great cure for boredom!
    At one point her curious little mind brought her to her mother's journal. The journal spoke of a time in the past before Carter had entered her life.

            " Going through her journal it seemed like she enjoyed herself before I was born. She liked the envious women and the attention from the men in the city. Everything after my birth was just... Maybe it would have been better if I wasn't born."

    The long periods of time Carter's mother had left for steadily increased. It went from days, to weeks, to months. When her mother did come home an aura emitted the kind of aura that you can just feel the hierarchy and hatred from. Carter wanted so badly for her mother to forgive her for the incident with the children, but whenever she tried to talk she felt her throat break and crack. Despite the negativity when her mother came home would restock various living supplies. Carter was confused why her mother would still take care to make sure she had everything she would need, but would leave without a word. It seemed odd however Carter reached the conclusion it was just how her mother showed "She cared" That or it was a way to keep her locked up in the house. But if she didn't care why keep her locked in the house?

           "Mother hadn't returned home in a while, I had to get out of there. There was no way I could stay in such a situation. I hated being in that house."

    The more Carter thought about her mother and other humans the more contempt she felt towards them. The last few times Carter saw her mother she gave up trying to talk to her. In fact she felt a sort of peace in being alone. At 18 Carter found a map among the books in the house and spent about two years planning an escape. Part of her was emotionally not prepared for such a move or even sure what would happen to her. But she had to do this.

"I honestly didn't have a concrete plan. I spent years on it, and still with the map in my hands I had no clue of what to do..."

    Time passed slowly. Carter kept track of the days and soon her mother had been gone for almost half a year. She had to let go of any emotional reason to stay, and just leave. There was nothing to accomplish staying in such a place. Cater decided that she would make her escape that night. Even though it wasn't much of an "escape" the idea of leaving was very emotional for her. If she was to think honestly with herself, she could have left at any time. Just braking a window was enough to let her be free. That's all it took. After she followed the map. She followed a trail behind the city where she thought little people would go. The trail lead to a forest area, once in the area she went off the trail. When she was looking at the map she had planned to get off the trail to avoid any man-maid or populated places. Going this way allowed her to leave without attracting attention. As she wondered through the forest a fog started to bloom. It became more and more dense until eventually completely hindering her vision. When it had disappeared an odd place sat in front of her. Looking at the map this place was for sure not marked on it. Maybe the map was more dated then she had thought or maybe the strange place was new? The building seemed to attract her, almost as if it was yelling for her to enter. The curiosity of the peculiar place grew within her. With hesitance and a bit of fear she walked to the building entering Jusanya Inn full of suspicion and curiosity.

" The mysterious building soon became a place to call home. I had gained the opportunity I never had before. I had freedom. I was able to make friends. I-I didn't need to be scared anymore."



  •  If asked her species she will say "demon" unless she feels she can trust you. The reason for this is, she obviously cant pass for human and she finds her fathers species shameful.
  •  sometimes she puts her hair up in a ponytail or braids
  •  Within her dream realm she likes to pretend she is a princess.