


6 years, 10 months ago


General Info

Full Name

 Iris Clementine Boar


Clem, Clementine 








Studious | Independent | Passionate | Rational | Observant | | Secretive | Kinda awkward | Easily embarrassed | Skeptical | Timid

    The initial impression Clementine gives is very different from the one she gives to someone who is a friend or closer to her. Clementine is the type to be extremely on guard, cautious, and even timid around people she doesn't know. She typically keeps her mouth shut and only talks when prompted. She has a hard time talking of her own free will. In fact she often keeps her actual thoughts more inside and speaks as if scripted. In this respect she is very much stuck in her own head. She believes there are things she "has" to do and things she "cant" do. Around friends she is a bit more open and talkative however she still keeps a somewhat quite and to herself nature. Those who are close enough to her will find out that this studious quite girl has some hobbies, though a little creepy she is very passionate about them. Clem is extremely careful of who she talks about her passions around. It seems these hobbies are the only thing she will ramble on about freely without being prompted if she feels comfortable enough to do it. Aside from that she doesn't really talk unless spoken to.
    Clementine has a massive fear of people hating her. Due to this she unknowingly pushes people away and has a habit of putting words in others mouth before they could even have a chance to reject her or accept her. This usually involves her insulting herself saying she "isn't perfect enough", that she "Needs to work harder." She even attacks her self esteem calling herself "disgusting" And "messed up". Although most of this is just her mimicking what has been told to her in the past. She holds onto words told to her and turns them into a twisted motivation to improve herself ,but they still remain criticism/insults she cant seem to get rid of no matter how hard she tries.  
    Despite her fears and reluctance to get close to people she craves acceptance and relationships.

Habits and notes on personality:

  •  When embarrassed she has a habit of hiding in her cloak(or hood) and averting her eyes
  •  Showing emotions outside of embarrassment isn't something she is very skilled at.
  •  Pulls her hair when nervous
  •  She doesn't know how to handle compliments ,so she just gets extreamly embarrassed and flustered  
  •  She doesn't usually laugh at jokes, mostly because she overanalyzes everything although if prompted to laugh she will do so in a awkward obviously fake manner
    • A genuine smile is uncommon for her
  •  When it comes to school she's a bit of a workaholic
    • She's a busy body. She gets antsy when she has nothing to work on. She will usually ask a teacher to give her extra assignments or work if they are willing even if it isn't for a grade.
    • Having "fun" doesn't feel productive to her in fact she feels even more antsy when she is doing things outside of school/work.


Likes: Cheesecake, magic, school, arts and crafts, animals, work, her parents, her brother, studying, necklaces/chokers, the supernatural, the occult, writing, ghosts, long sleeves, and the color black

Dislikes: skirts, dresses, dances, swim suit, shopping, things that aren't work or are outside her hobbies (such as "fun" activities), expectations, bright colors, those who dislike magics, free time, and pressure


"I have to be the perfect daughter."

    Clem and her twin brother were born on a snowy day to two loving ,but strict parents. Both her parents were magics that stood up for the rights of magics. Her parents stood up and took whatever abuse was given to them for standing up and being magics. The two decided to have children with the intention to create a magic that would be "perfect" in every way. A magic that wouldn't falter even when abused. From the moment the two kids were born they were put into competition. Everything the two did whether it was who could read the fastest, or who could cast the strongest spell. When things got boring they would take a new skill and make a competition out of it. Their parent's strictness and strive to create the perfect child was one that greatly influenced their two children. Even though tensions were high Clem and her brother got along rather well.
     From a young age their parents talked of the abuse magics have gone through and even put them on a somewhat military like schedule. Over time the two become a rather Jack of all trades. Though by no means were they perfect in everything and by no means were the two good at everything.They just had many skills. That caused Clem's parent's some distress. Clem's parent's loved their children dearly ,but they had a deranged desire. Perhaps it was something wrong with them due to the years of abuse they had gone through before having children. They had a twisted and tough way of showing their love and care to their children. They wanted a perfect weapon, a perfect scholar, a perfect everything. Something to prove magic's shouldn't be messed with. Clem often felt as if the weight of the world was on her due to her parents somewhat deranged ideals. Instead of peace it felt more like her parents craved a war. When Clem or her brother had free time they were yelled at to do something productive to make themselves better. If they came home with anything lower then a perfect grade they were yelled at to work harder. Anything that did not improve their skills was a taboo. They were often yelled at that there was no way they could advance in the world, or be a future for magics if they didn't strive for perfection. Despite her parents intentions being "positive" it gave Clem a rather short lived childhood and constant anxiety.

    In school Clem had a hard time connecting and talking to the other kids. She was the magic odd ball with imaginary friends in the dark side of the classroom. When kids did try to talk to her she would ramble and say nonsensical things. She would even talk about ghosts and odd invisible creatures. Many of her classmates thought she was possessed ,but really she just had no idea how to communicate or societies norms in communication. Her odd behavior in school got her in trouble not only by teachers ,but also at home when her parents get complaints by teachers. Her brother on the other hand excelled in his communication and well everything. Unlike Clem who just accepted abuse as if she deserved it he feared it. He did anything to avoid a harsh punishment. Her parents often pointed to him as an example she should follow, but she always fell behind him. This continued throughout middle school.
    Her failure to match her brother caused constant stress on her and her parents. They soon called her the families "Failure" And told her if she didn't get her act together she would be thrown out. Perhaps her parent's ideals got the better of them and they forgot they were parents. Maybe they felt she was a waste of time to keep working on with someone so superior in the house. Of course the threat of being forced out of a safe home was a nightmare for a magic knowing what the world outside was like. Clem had been living in a relatively accepting and safe community her whole life. Aside from the news and what her parents had  said she didn't know what the outside world actually was like. Clem's parents eventually forced her out. The first steps she took outside the home she knew knowing she was alone from then on felt cold, lonely, but she accepted this punishment. In most cases this would be considered abandonment ,but to Clem this was her own fault, she did this to herself and she deserved whatever outcome that came from it. This was her punishment. Traveling out of the town she soon found a sanctuary that helped homeless, abandoned and other not so well of magics. The place was known to be raided by those in the anti factions ,but it was still safer then being out in the open. Her life as an abandoned magic didn't exactly last long nor was it to sour. She took every opportunity to improve herself, even tutoring some of the children who lived in the sanctuary. Sometimes she overheard conversations about an academy for magics. That enticed her. Being 15, a magic, and wanting to go back to school. It sounded like heaven. Maybe she could even go back to at least a semi normal life. Honestly she was feeling antsy due to the lack of stimulation from the sanctuary. After you are there for awhile things become predictable. Eventually she got the courage to ask one of the adults who she had seen talk about the academy. Needless to say that conversation put her 110% on board with the idea of going. Not long following that conversation she enrolled into the academy. Clem was extreamly lucky during her time living on her own she didn't have very many "bad" things happen. Some insults here and there, but for the most part she experienced little violence or physical harm. No matter what happened most of her worries were what she was gonna eat or how she avoid the people on the streets, or even how would she stay warm through the night. Now at the academy its a guarantee she really takes advantage of the food and heaters.

   Summary:  From birth Clementine was in competition with her twin brother to be the best in everything for academics to magic. Her parents stressed and engraved in their kid's brains that they must be perfect in every way in order to create a magic that can help other magics and force humans to back off. However Clementine unable to reach her brother's skill she is called her families "Failure" and forced to leave the house. Being forced to live on the streets as a magic made her see first hand the extent of cruelty against magic's despite the outlawing of it. She spent most of her time at a sanctuary made for homeless and abandoned magics. Desperate to find a new home and attend school again she heard word from other magic's about an academy that takes in societies "unwanted". It seemed suiting in her current situation and she would be able to continue her studies which she very dearly wanted to continue since being kicked out. With that she gladly enrolled into the academy.


  • She likes to dress very modestly however if she was to choose a dream fashion choice she would dress more gothic.
  • She collects chokers.
  • The part of her hair that is in front of her ears is longer then the back of her hair.
  • She takes weekend classes.
  • I drew a lot of concept of Clem before actually getting to her app so here is some concept stuff if you are interested here
  • Even though her first name is Iris she has been called Clementine her whole life and prefers to keep it that way simply due to habit.
  • Despite being kicked out by her parents she still craves their approval.
    • Even though she doesn't live with her parents anymore she still lives as if she was with her parents. She puts herself on a strict schedule and constantly puts work on herself.
    • She still loves her parents and brother just as much as the day she was forced out of the house.


"O-oh this book? Ah d-don't think the wrong idea..! I... I wouldn't be so foolish to actually summon a demon. I just-..."

"I-Is there something really that wrong with me..?"

  • She likes to study the occult, supernatural, unexplained mysteries, and serial killers, as well as psychology.
  • Due to her odd love for the occult, murderers, and mysteries most people she had opened up enough to express this love to get creeped out by her.
    • She has learned to keep her hobbies on the down low out of fear of rejection.
  • Unlike most she is fearless when it comes to the supernatural and horror types of things
    • She's an expert at keeping a straight face during a scary movie.
    •  her true fears are more like ex: failure, getting a bad grade, rejection, etc.
  • She enjoys writing mini murder mysteries in any spare time she actually lets herself have
  • If she was more confident and open about her hobbies she would probably make an occult club for the school
  • The idea of someday meeting a ghost, demon or angel makes her happy regardless of consequence.
    • If its not obvious already she does believe supernatural things exist.