


6 years, 6 months ago


Nickname / Alias: Father
Age: 35
Date of Birth: September 17
Place of Birth: Lancashire, England
Species: Human(?)
Residence: Small house on the edge of the forest
General Appearance: messy black hair, usually looks tired, usually has a smirk on his face
Height : 6’3
Weight: 180
Handedness: Right
Jewelry: Cross necklace
Tattoos / Marks: Eye tattoo on the back of his left hand, scarification on chest and shoulders
Education: Seminary school
Work : "Priest"/Cult leader
Skills: Using words to get his way (and if that doesn’t work force and intimidation), very knowledgeable in witchcraft and the occult
Phobias / Fears: Being powerless or weaker than others in any aspect
Bad Habits / Vices: Murder and ritual sacrifice are bad habits, so is smoking
Best Qualities: He can answer almost any question you might have
Worst Qualities: condescending, smart ass, constantly trying to undermine others and just make their day shitter, can be petty
Key Life  Experiences: Have a turning point in his faith and turning to other more immediately  gratifying means of getting answers and power
Sexuality: Really not into the whole sex thing
Style of Speech: deep voice, condescending tone, bit of a hiss when he’s mad
Words/Slang/Jargon:  "So…"
Fun Fact: He grew up on a small farm, so he has always had a soft spot for farm animals, especially chickens and goats