


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






Jan 1st



Pronouns and sexuality

She/her, straight


Alicia is very rebellious, she doesn’t like following rules or being told “no” this behavior is caused by her very strict parents. In addition to being rebellious she is pretty much a tomboy and she loves camouflage, oversized clothing, and clothing that isn’t always necessarily for girls. Due to this she sometimes scares away guys, most of the time she doesn’t mean to. Most people don’t really mess around with her because they all know she’s stronger than most people, and she isn’t afraid to use her strength either. Despite most people trying their best to avoid her she has two best friends that are currently unnamed, she sneaks out every other day to go play video games with them at one of their houses because her parents don’t allow friends over. Ali is very outdoorsy, she has always loved the outdoors and the beauty of nature, even if it’s freezing cold outside, she doesn’t mind the cold. Speaking of nature..she has a strange interest in insects, and even has a few as ”pets”. She keeps a glass container that contains a few tiny black beetles that she feeds every other day, they’re harmless. Most of the time she finds these beetles around her house (don’t worry it’s not a infestation). Oh one more thing..she’s horrible at singing. But she try’s her best anyways because she enjoys it, but she will not sing anywhere except for in the shower. And it’s always off-key. 

By the way she has arms I was just too lazy to finish the art.