
helios html

This CSS comes with the helios HTML, designed by BunBox and coded by me.


CSS can only be used by premium toyhouse members. Make sure you are able to use CSS before purchase.

This CSS can be used on:

Character Profiles

color options

#a8afb5 $sidebar-color
#3c3f4e $card-color
#fbf5e6 $font-color
#eee3d2 $bg-color
#141c34 $sidebar-toggle
#d4c18e $main-accent
#ede0bb $paler-accent

additional customization options

  • $accent-font for headings and titles
  • $card-opacity for how transparent cards are
  • $hide-bar can be set to true or false to show the top bar where character name, avatar, creation date, and tags are.
  • $hide-images can be set to true or false to show or hide recent images.
  • $content-width for how wide the maximum content goes
  • $bg-image for the main background image