Zukkel Berriya





- 154 sm

- ??? years


- a postman between two (???) worlds

- always smiling sweetly, that's ABSOLUTELY always

- ringing like a quiet bell

- very quiet but gentle voice

- lives in a makeshift house near the swamp, loves to sit by the fire,

- he always has a tent somewhere

- it is not clear what gender he is, maybe he is not even a person

- mostly works for Clarissa, but often successfully helped all sorts of bad people with the delivery of illegal goods

- not talkative

- loves frogs, and they love him

- cool, hands are often wet, but at the same time gentle and pleasant, smells of morning dew

- he is fond of tincture of wine and even made his own cellar, he himself loves only light, but wants to bring out "azure wine"

Report NV, do not exchange or resell above the purchased price (arts are included in the price), to transfer you need to have 3 Art of medium skill, ES for sale to people from the astro ban list

Co-owner(i first owner): https://vk.com/teoprtw
