Ophelia the Demon



2 years, 2 months ago


Ophelia the Demon
Archdemon of the Underworld
Name Ophelia Éphis
Alias Ophelia
Age 3300
Gender female
Height 105cm
Build slim
Species echidna
Orientation bisexual
Occupation N/A
Residence Angel Island
Status deceased, archdemon
Skills sorcery
Politics N/A

Ophelia was born in Greece to a family of mystics. She travelled to Egypt to make her fortune as a medical scientist. She used magic to boost her experiments, which were revolutionary... but her ethics were a bit questionable. When her victims patients died, their deaths helped her learn more about biology; producive research from her point of view.

Not everyone saw it that way. Ophelia was murdered in revenge for one of these deaths. She went straight to Hell, where she became an archdemon. Now she has risen from the dead to terrorize the living again.

As a demon, Ophelia surrounds herself with magic. Aside from her 8 snakes, she also has pet monsters, which she's trained to follow her commands.

Ophelia enjoys power. Plenty of other demons have pledged allegiance to her. They give her loyalty, obedience, magical energy and power over their souls. In return she grants them safety and protection from their enemies. This makes her very strong.

Magic Ophelia learned micro-telekinesis from a young age - that's a kind of telekinesis that involves moving things at the molecular level rather than moving whole objects, and therefore can be used to change the structure of objects and the properties of chemicals.
Medicine She studied as a doctor and has a good understanding of the mobian body. She enjoys doing experiments to see how things work, and her magical abilities help with this too.
Demonic abilities As an archdemon, Ophelia has certain innate abilities: she can resserect herself as a living mobian, instantly heal from wounds and make herself invulnerable to the elements. She can become a ghost and pass through solid walls. She's also good at conducting surgeries on other demons, and can bestow them with traditional upgrades like wings and horns as well as less traditional upgrades if required.
Medusa abilities As a gorgon, Ophelia's snakes are attached to her and she can see, smell and feel whatever they see, smell and feel. This means she can have 360° vision provided the snakes look in all directions at the same time. She can't control the snakes as they are their own creatures that just happen to be attached to her. She can give them orders telepathically, but it is like ordering a pet dog; they may or may not obey.
Arms Ophelia's arms were amputated while she was alive and when she ressurects herself, they remain missing. She can construct body parts for other demons but she can't construct a new pair of arms for herself. Whenever she's attempted to it, hasn't worked.
Demonic needs Ophelia is not really alive but inhabits a body that mimics life so closely, it's hard to tell the difference. She needs to consume the souls of the living and steal their flesh in order to maintain that body. If she doesn't, her body will decompose.
Snakes The snakes give her many advantages but they also come with the drawback that they need to consume souls just like she does. If she fails to feed them, they will draw energy directly from her and her body will decompose much faster.


Physical prowess



Likes & Dislikes
  • Control
  • Power
  • Monsters
  • Playing with hearts
  • Bullies
  • Computers
  • Religion
  • Failure
  • She doesn't care about the wellbeing of others, and sees people as her playthings. She has no scruples about inflicting pain and suffering on others if she can gain something from it, but she doesn't actually enjoy hurting people just for the sake of it; she does it only in pursuit of some other goal.
  • She has hundreds of pet monsters which she can summon when she needs to. Most of them are people who deceased, crossed over into Hell, and turned to Ophelia for protection. In return for her protection, she took their intelligence away and sculpted them into monsters of her own design. This includes her snakes which were originally eight mobian women; Ophelia took their intellect away and now they are just animalistic snakes.
  • Ophelia's snakes can see into the future but they don't have the intellect to understand their visions. They can smell magic, and while they're deaf, they can sense vibrations in the air. They also have vague memories of their pre-snakey lives that they have lost the ability to understand, so sometimes they'll react to things that spark memories in them. The way they react to certain things can help guide Ophelia to the best course of action.

Ophelia came from a wealthy family of sorcerers who taught her the magial arts from a young age. She had a privilaged upbringing in Sparta, but the social and legal structure (and in particular gender roles) in Ancient Greece prevented her from pursuing the career of her choosing. She studied philosophy, dancing and music, but she often sneaked into the boys' school to learn about reading, writing and advanced mathematics. As she grew older, she watched physicians perform surgeries on patients and she wanted to do the same. She learnt a lot about medicine by observing and speaking to the physicians, but in Greece she could never practice medicine.

So, around the age of sixteen, Ophelia married the man her family had chosen for her. She convinced her husband to use his life savings to move to Egypt, where women and men had equal legal status. Once they arrived, she promptly divorced him. She remained in Egypt, where she could have better opportunities.

In Egypt it was still difficult for women to pursue careers, but not impossible. Ophelia started her career as a nursemaid with simple duties like washing patients and helping them eat. Once there, she pestered the doctors to let her become an assistant. Opportunities to advance were never freely offered to her; she had to seize them whenever she could - inserting her opinion or picking up a surgial tool if a doctor hesitated. When a large troop of wounded soldiers returned from battle, a traige situation arose and the doctors allowed her to treat patients as the alternative would have meant letting them die.

From that point Ophelia became a surgeon herself. She set up her own clinic and secretly used magic to boost the success of her medical procedures. She became popular, especially amongst female patients who felt more comfortable with a female doctor.

Ophelia was very interested in learning more about the body and what it could do, so she experimented on her patients without their knowledge. If they died as a result, she could just blame their death on illness or injury. This went on for many years without anyone ever finding out, and as time went on, Ophelia's experiments became more and more intricate.

Ophelia developed illness herself. Arthritis caused intense pain in her hands, and eventually she could no longer use them. She amputated her arms herself and had some wooden replacements constructed. She attached these to her stumps and used magic to animate them like real hands. She allowed everyone to think that she had performed a miracle of modern medicine and it boosted her popularity and success as a surgeon.

Eventually, someone found out about her experiments. A patient died as a result of her experiments on him. His wife figured out what had happened, and shot Ophelia, killing her instantly.

Ophelia crossed over into Hell where she encountered the undead souls of many of her former victims. They didn't realise the truth and believed that she had helped them. They hailed Ophelia as a hero and wondered why someone so wonderful had gone to Hell instead of Heaven. Ophelia told them it was due to petty acts committed in childhood, which she regretted.

A tyrant named Yarrow reigned over a large section of Hell, terrorising all the undead souls in his power and making the afterlife a miserable existance for everyone around him. Ophelia gathered her followers and used their strength combined with her magical talents to defeat Yarrow. She then saw that Yarrow was just an immature boy who needed guidance, so she struck a deal with him; she would provide the leadership and guidance he needed and in return he would support her. He has now become her faithful subject and looks up to her as mentor.

Ophelia soon became one of the most powerful archdemons in Hell. It's a dog-eat-dog world in Hell, where undead souls fight for scraps of power, with the loser usually getting dismembered. Ophelia gathered up the souls of the defeated and promised to help them. Using her surgery skills, she designed and crafted bodies/body parts and installed the souls inside them. Those souls whose personalities she liked would become servants to her. As for the rest, she diminished their intelligence to animalistic. They therefore became monsters which she keeps as pets and sets to work for her like guard dogs and so on. This includes eight powerful witches who she turned into snake-like creatures attached to her own skull, enabling her to take all of their magical abilities herself.

A powerful magician in the living world ressurrected Ophelia about 500 years ago. Once ressurrected, Ophelia had to abide by the magician's rules and bow to him as master. She was forbidden to kill her master, so she summoned Yarrow and ordered him to do the deed. Once the master was dead, Ophelia turned him into another pet monster. She and Yarrow were now free to inhabit the living world as they pleased. They could keep themselves alive indefinitely by consuming the souls of the dead and using their energy to sustain themselves.

Ever since then, Ophelia and Yarrow have enjoyed splitting their place of residence between the living world and underworld. Their magical and demonic abilities enable them to live in comfort. Ophelia can summon her servants and her monsters whenever she likes, and send them back to Hell when she no longer wants them around. Ophelia has devoted a lot of time to her favourite hobby - medicine - and Yarrow spends most of his time having fun.

Yarrow | servant

Yarrow ruled as tyrant of the underworld until Ophelia defeated him and made him her servant. He is now her favourite follower and he looks up to her for leadership and guidance.

Faisal | servant (with benefits)

There is nothing special or noteworthy about Faisal. Ophelia just finds him fun to be around. He let her do some demonic bodymod experimentation on him when he first crossed over to Hell, which she appreciates.

Amira | associate

A mage who from the living world who Ophelia has aligned herself with. Ophelia wants to make use of Amira's awesome power and in return she helps support Amira to become the best mage she can be.

Connie & Theo | acquaintances

These demons refused to swear allegiance to Ophelia and preferred to fend for themselves despite having very little power of their own. Ophelia respects that. She finds their antics entertaining.