


6 years, 9 months ago


Belial would make them suffer one day, he decided, as rage filled his wounded body. One day.

The Basics

AgeSeventeen Earth Years.
LikesAris, being alone, playing his guitar, nylon strings, classical guitars, pretending he's human, eating raw meat (though occasionally he likes it cooked), the concept of humans destroying themselves, being far away from humans, when the doctors are nice to him, the concept of freedom
DislikesHumans coming into his room, when his guitar is taken away, snapping strings on his guitar, electric guitars, breaking things unintentionally, singing, being made fun of for his strange manner of speech, Natalia, the Splicing Lab (as he knows it, the Dark Room), being operated on, electroshock therapy, being sedated, being tied down, mirrors, his appearance, his voice
StrengthsPhysical strength, playing guitar, art (sometimes), screaming like a banshee, running, holding his breath for unimaginably long amounts of time,
WeaknessesSpeech, singing, art (most of the time), socially acceptable behavior, being sociable, picking up language, he's always angry like damn, reading music
Learning songs on guitar. That's about it.
PersonalityBelial is always frustrated or angry. Given the fact that he's been tortured pretty much his entire life, this makes sense. He's terrible with communication, and is not very in tune with his emotions, however they manifest themselves. He is protective of and loyal to those he becomes close to, but is otherwise territorial. He likes his space, needing quite a bit of it, and doesn't mind extended isolation.
Belial is of average human height, standing at around 5'6''. He has light tan skin, which is covered with dark red freckles. The freckles grow larger towards his tail, which hosts large blotches of red freckles. His tail is as long as half his height, and is hairless. He has thick strands of black hair on the very top of his head, which is often pulled back in a ponytail or pushed out of his face. His hair does not extend past this small, oval-shaped section. He has sharp, thick claws on his hands and feet, which are retractable to a certain extent. They are sharp enough to cut through most metals, and he has to be very ginger with them so as not to cut the strings of his guitar. He cuts them often to be able to play, but they regrow quickly. He has the same number of digits on each hand as humans, but his feet only have three toes. His body is as limber as a human's and around as dexterous, if not more so.His eyes have red irises, which can change his pupil's shape, though it requires a lot of energy and effort to do so. He has no eyebrows, nor eyelashes, and lacks hair just about everywhere except for the top of his head. His nose is turned up, and has slits for nostrils. He can open and close them at will. His ears are large, and can swivel like a cat's.
Internal Conflicts
Belial has a lot of self-loathing, but who can blame him? After all, he's an angsty teenager.Ahem. He has trouble reconciling his appearance to who he is, and often hates looking in a mirror at his appearance. He dislikes most everything about himself, except for his fingers because they're dexterous enough to play guitar.Belial finds it difficult to understand his emotions as they are, because they're not quite normal for his species. He doesn't have much to compare them to, either, given that he's surrounded by humans and not his own kind. There's a lot he has to discover about himself!
External Conflicts
Belial's appearance frightens most humans, as they believe he is some kind of a monster or experiment. Which he totally agrees with, but whatever. Also, he's not fond of Natalia, who is often ready to point out his imperfections and (in his opinion) monstrous appearance.


An Excerpt:

“They said you’re an alien,” Aris said, her voice still low, and Belial quirked up a hairless eyebrow to that.


“Yeah. I don’t know details but my dad says you’re very, very dangerous.”

“Where did I. Come from? If I am an alien.” There was a beat of silence, in which Belial’s mind began to swim with the possibilities. Not even belonging to earth? An alien?

“He said they found you in an egg,” she began, “Your mother was, um, dying, I guess. And she killed fifteen people trying to protect you before they killed her.”

“Oh,” Belial said.

“B-But they took you in. My dad did, anyway. And he wanted to learn more about you, but you weren’t coming out’a that egg no matter what!” She laughed awkwardly, but when Belial didn’t laugh in reply, Aris continued, “A-Anyway… My dad said that your mom crashed her spaceship on here. Right near this base, technically. Outside a city…”

Belial hasn't been told a thing about his past, or how he came to be. He believed for a very long time that he was a genetic experiment, but indeed, he is an alien. He grew up in the room he stays in now, being experimented on and kept under lock and key. 

Not much else to say, really.

Important Facts
  1. Belial's tail is just as strong as the rest of him-- he can kill people with it. Trust me, he's done it before.
  2. ...?