


2 years, 2 months ago


Hanami Akayami: The Melatonin


Name Hanami Akayami
Called Honey, Mimi
Age 24-ish
Gender Cis Woman
Race Human User
Role Second Lead
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Cheery
  • Determined
  • Brazen
  • Wary/Alert
  • Proactive


  • Mighty Orange
  • Rhythm & Gacha Games
  • Vocaloid and JPOP

Hanami works the graveyard shift for her uncle's revolutionizing 24-hour popup ramen bar, Honey Ramen. Even if she's not too excited about the job, she puts up with the job for extra income, the slow business, and the array of oddball early morning customers. It was her working here that she meets Rey.


Honey is your average college student majoring in business. She comes from a pretty normal family of Japanese immigrants and grew up in Abelia like any other Abelian kid. Her father's brother works in the food scene, and just to pay off her tuition, offers to work there full-time. It's not an ideal job, and Honey mourns the hours of the day sleeping and studying, but she isn't exactly bored of the job either. She meets a couple of interesting characters throughout the months, one of them being Rey.


Honey is a Human User with the ability to make someone sleepy when in long, physical contact with her. For example, a long hug of around 30 minutes would be enough to put someone to sleep. She can't [make] people drop dead asleep, she just tires them out enough for them to notice.

Honey is not aware of what her ability is, and she isn't aware of the limits of it either. It's not often she's touching someone for longer than 30 minutes. There have been accidents like a leg touching while watching a movie, or leaning on someone while hanging out, but Honey doesn't piece together that thats her ability kicking in, and not someone getting naturally tired. She does have the ability to control this, but until she can figure out the cause, she can't do much.

Honey Ramen Plot

When Rey becomes her favorite regular, she doesn't realize that she eventually becomes a target for an underground black market kingpin named Carmen Saxona. She goes through many obstacles, sacrifices and scares to stay by Rey's side. Is her crush on Rey all worth it?


  • Uncle Akayami named his ramen shop after Hanami. She's flattered, but it's why she lowkey feels obligated to work there (she feels bad).
  • Honey LOVES Vocaloid and Nightcore. Big fan.
  • Honey is a pretty skilled Rhythm Gamer. She grinds for hours on end when she has nothing to do and has canonically made the worldwide leaderboard for Bandori. She doesn't really flex this though and is shy about her interests.
  • She can't speak Japanese (save for a few words), but she can understand it.
  • She is a massive fan of Mighty Orange, a kawaii mascot of FruitFighters! FruitFighters is the universe equivalent of Sanrio, and they are funny little fruits that get into slapstick, cartoony shenanigans. Mighty is the main character.



Rey [ Eventual Lover ]

At first, she was insanely sketched out about Rey. Can't blame her, Rey is weird. But after more nights of him returning, she soon grew a fondness for him upon realizing hes pretty harmless. Plus they share some interests! Everything is hearts and roses until she gets wrapped into Rey's family drama.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.