Xander Linkser



2 years, 2 months ago




Name Xander Linkser
Job Alcohol distributor/drug dealer
Age 26
Gender Male
God parent Dionysus
Status Single
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Fatal Flaw Withdrawal
Heigh/Weight 6'2" || 210Lbs
Weapon Condor Greek Spear
Mistform Necklace


  • Confident
  • Honest
  • Spontaneous
  • Charismatic
  • Witty


  • Childish
  • Impatient
  • Stubborn
  • Dramatic
  • Clumsy


Xander is a confident man. He knows what he’s good at and has no problem showing off.


Xander isn’t one to lie. He’s very honest with others. He will let you know what's on his mind even if it hurts.


Doing things on impulse. Xander sometimes can’t control himself as he just does what he wants when he wants.


Having a way with words. Xander tends to talk his way out of most situations. Or uses his words to lead others towards his idea of fun.


He might not be that smart. But he’s very quick with his words. Often things come out of his mouth.


Xander is silly and immature. He does what he wants when he wants.


Xander restless and eager. He has a hard time with slow burns and will get bored quickly. Turning his attention to something new.


Xander has his own way. And has a hard time steering into new directions. If he thinks he is right then he’s going to continue on. And it’s going to take a lot to change his mind. Especially when he’s been drinking.


If Xander is frustrated and isn’t getting his way. You can often find the man whining. He can cause quite a commotion. Thankfully he can manipulate attention. He calls it being sensitive.


Lets be honest, Xander's a drunk. He’s falling over himself. Falling asleep in places he shouldn’t.



Xander’s able to curse someone with the symptoms of a really bad hangover (e.g. headaches, drowsiness, vomiting, dizziness, etc.) for a time.

Attention manipulation

Xander can manipulate the attention of oneself and/or others, including where and how to focus a person's attention. The scale of this power varies from focusing the entire population of a city onto the user, or distracting a single person into looking at a wall, and away from the user.

Sweet Nectar

Xander can turn any liquid into wine. (Within reason)


(BirthDay) Over spring break a beautiful college woman from Australia took a vacation to the states. California to be exact. While out on the beach. She found herself meeting a handsome man. He looked a bit older than herself. But attractive nonetheless. And to her surprise, he approached her as he caught her staring. And before long she found herself spending her vacation with the stranger. Having a short romance with. Striking it as a Spring break fling. And as her time in the states grew to an end. He had decided to tell her who he was. He was the Greek god Dionysus. She thought this was a joke. Till he proved it by showing her some of his abilities. Amazed, she had so many questions. Deafening the god till he silenced her as he gave her the information he wanted to give. And handed her a note. Instructing her on what to do if she became pregnant. “Take the child to these coordinates If they find them.” Leaving the word “they” As vague as if he didn’t want to give her too much information. As if knowing she was pregnant and left. Confused, she took everything he said to heart. And flew back to her country. Finding herself obsessing over it. She began doing her own research and looked into changing her college Major to Greek mythology. Within two weeks of returning she was in fact pregnant. And in nine months gave birth to a baby boy whom she named Xander. Taking the chance to move back in with her parents. So she could continue university. (Childhood) Xander grew up a happy child along with his mother and grandparents. His mother did her best to use her education to teach Xander about the gods she now knew were real. Even telling him early on who his father was. And though he believed her. Many told him that she might have lost it. And was doing her best to give him hope when she might not have known who his father was. Since Xander was the son of Dionysus he had a pretty low-key childhood. Of course, he ran into some suspicious individuals. But it was far less than other Demigods his age. So he continued on with his education in Australia. And even started to think his mother was pulling his leg as she continued to claim his father was the god of wine. It wasn’t till he turned eight that one of his abilities manifested. While in class, Xander's teacher had started to give the lad a hard time. It caused Xander to grow flustered. He wished some sort of harm to the educator. And before long whenever put on the spot. The teacher started to feel Ill. Grew a headache and would become nauseated. Xander didn’t know how but knew he had something to do with how he felt. Since it only happened when he became irritated. The year after his other ability manifested. Not that it was very noticeable at first. But Xander could easily affect others by turning their attention towards something else. At first, he thought they might have been ignoring him. Since he was a bit of a distraction and could come off annoying. But it turned out he just could do it. And by the age of nine, he had finally come to terms that his mother had been telling the truth. And just maybe he was more than an average human. (Teen) While Xander started in his early teens he found himself hanging out with the wrong crowd. Hanging out with older boys. And getting his first taste of the sweet nectar that was alcohol. His so-called friends found it almost amazing that Xander could hold his liquor even if he was so young. And Xander soon found himself skipping school. Using his Abilities willy nilly. Distracting the store clerks so his friends could snag the goods. And becoming that kid that other parents would warn their children to avoid. But at last, was caught and taken into custody by the law. Now with most Demigods. It would be the fact they had been hunted down. That their paths would lead them to Camp Half-blood. But in Xander's Case. His mother was just having a hard time controlling the young man. Setting Xander down, his mother had to have a serious conversation with her son. Explaining that she didn’t like the path he was following and was afraid he would end up in prison. Remembering the note given to her. She saved it all these years in between the pages of her favorite book. She smiled and told Xander she was going to take him on a trip. That on spring break they would go to America. And that night she booked two tickets to New York. A few months passed. Xander is doing his best to do better. And before he knew it it was time for their trip. At first, Xander was excited, But the flight took 23 hours. And with his attention span, Xander found himself restless. But once landed found himself enjoying what he thought was a great vacation with his mother. He had no idea what was to come. The day before they departed back to Australia Xander's mother told him she had one last stop to take him. He couldn’t figure out why she seemed low-key sad about it. He figured it might have been because the vacation was to end. Taking a rental car she set the coordinate onto a GPS. As they arrived he found his mother becoming more emotional. He didn’t understand why till she told him what was to come. She loved him very much. But didn’t know how to deal with his abilities and feared she wouldn’t be able to lead him in the right direction. Still confused, she laid it down for him as she got out of the car and walked to the trunk to fetch a bag she packed for him. With essential items. Pointing to a hill and what looked like a farm. She told him to walk to the door and that hopefully he would be greeted by others. Still confused, he took the bag. And decided to humor her and walk up the hill to the farm door. With his mother in the distance, he waved and walked between the pillars only for the camp to appear. This would be the start of Xander's journey. This would also be the last time he saw his mother. As his Father Dionysus alongside Chiron greeted him at the doorway. At first, his father scoffed at another child arriving at Camp Half-Blood. Only to realize just who he was. Xander was now with his father. Unlike the other Demigods. He would have the chance to get to know his godly parent. (Late-Teen) While Xander stayed at Camp. He found himself learning more about himself. By the age of sixteen, he found himself on a quest with a few other Demigods. Of course, his dad wouldn’t allow him to go on something that would be dangerous. The man was overly protective of his children. And even had more favor with the god. But because he got special treatment. Other demigods tend to avoid Xander. So he took this quest to try to make amends and maybe some friends. The quest was simple. To find a lost Demigod that needed their help to get to camp. But of course, nothing went to plan. They had to battle two minotaurs and a fury. They finished the quest and Xander found himself gaining more respect from the other Demigods. As he did pull his own weight and even held his own in battle. This was his way to create an in with the other demigods. As they had a small party to celebrate what they thought was a victory. And Xander decided to share one of his experiments. Homemade wine made from the strawberries he and his siblings grew. And before he knew it. Was setting a poor example to others as he started drinking again. Of course, his Dad knew what he was up to. But his father was also low-key, proud of their interest in the family tradition. (If only his mother knew.) Still, Xander did find himself in trouble with Chiron. And he carried on with other simple quests as time went on. Till he turned eighteen. Deciding to take a short leave as he wanted to dabble in the mortal world. He only lasted three years on his own. Taking up odd jobs as an Exotic dancer. And discovered drugs. (Adulting) Before long Xander found himself missing camp. The mortal world was a pain in his ass. If Monsters did find him. He had to face them himself. And though he was more than capable of handling some. Others caused him more trouble. It didn’t help that he found himself reliant on both Alcohol and marijuana in order to function. And it was becoming more of a pain to supply his addiction. Since he didn’t have the power to just make water into wine. Like some of his siblings could. When he turned twenty he returned to Camp half blood. Using the excuse of visiting his father. This was where he heard about Little Olympus. It was his father Dionysus who suggested that Xander go. And Xander of course took the opportunity. But was told he would have to pitch in. And couldn't just live as a mooch. Thinking about it. Xander had an idea. This was a place for Adult Demigods. The word adult rang in his ear. And he had decided to make his father proud. As when he would begin making Wine for the others. Supplying his addiction. Hoping to open up a small pub where he and the other Demigods could go to unwind and have fun. He would also be the local drug dealer. And this is where Xander's current life is. Selling homemade wine in the local shop.


He needs to have at least a drink in order to function. If He doesn’t he’s useless and refuses to do absolutely anything.

Magical Item

Seymour the taxadermy leopard


  • Xander now works with all types of fruit for his wine. He no longer just tastes of strawberries.
  • He loves pizza. He would kill for a pizza.
  • He’s quite good at surfing. Would love to befriend one of Poseidon's kids.
  • Since he can’t surf he tends to skateboard around. He’s best when he’s not too drunk.
  • He was an exotic dancer for a short while. He’s quite skilled on a pole.
  • Xander often order’s dildo’s online. They might not be his main weapon. But they sure strike a conversation when he tosses one at ya.
  • He can’t stand it when it’s too quiet. If he gets bored he will disappear and find something else to do.


  • Skateboarding
  • Movies
  • Exotic food / beverages
  • Alcohol (Any kind)
  • Drugs
  • Tattoos


  • silence
  • Being bored
  • Sober life
  • monsters
  • Simple spaces. He needs color.
  • Pants

Stats Points
STR 12
DEF 12
DEX 13
CON 9+2
CHA 13
Total 62
HP 42