


2 years, 5 months ago


Absolia is a Shadow/Psychic Hybrid who was adopted by Kaiosa.


  • Name: Absolia
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Birthday: October 1st
  • Age: 4 years
  • Species: Shadow/Psychic
  • Element: Shadow
  • Blood Type: O-
  • Orientation: Unknown (she is baby)
  • Nicknames: Abby. Solia. Sol. Lia. My dearest (Kaiosa).

  • Pack: Phantom Guardians
  • Rank: Pup

Absolia is a very skittish and nervous hybrid pup. She doesn't do well with strangers and would rather hide behind Kaiosa when other wolves approach her though she does come to trust the rest of the pack eventually - being closer to the other pups than the adults. Because of her species she is pretty calm but because of her feline summon she has a lot more cat traits such as hissing and swiping at those who come too close to her. She is also very curious but she would much rather curl up and cuddle beside Kaiosa - which has led to Kaiosa being stuck more at the den than previously (not that she is complaining that much). Absolia doesn't like getting wet that much but is still drawn to the water and to fish though she is scared of not being able to swim as well since she lacks the webbed skin between her paws. Absolia is very clingy and often quite demanding when wanting attention.



Absolia has all the moves and abilities of the female shadow wolves.
As a hybrid she inherited "Empathetic Sense" which allows her to sense the emotions and moods of those around her. 
She is also a summoner with an unknown feline summon. She can purr which acts like "Heal Pulse" that Psychic wolves have as her purring can stimulate healing or can at least stimulate the relaxation of those around her. It really only works when she is pressed up against them.
Night Speed: A unique ability that Absolia has. It seems to represent "Teleport" however this ability allows her speed to increase significantly at night, giving the illusion of teleportation. It can work in dark areas but works best at night, and when in her Midnight Form she can disorientate opponents by darting back and forth making them lose sight of her. However, just like how her elemental power drops in the middle of the day, her speed also significantly drops in the middle of the day which leads to her lazing around and sleeping when it is daytime.


Elemental Power: 6/6

Physical Power: 5/6

Defence: 3/6

Elemental Defence: 4/6

Speed: 6/6

Stamina: 5/6

STATS - Midnight Form:

Elemental Power: 10/6

Physical Power: 9/6

Defence: 7/6

Elemental Defence: 6/6

Speed: 8/6

Stamina: 7/6


Absolia was being passed around by Hybrid hunters before being found by Kaiosa.
It took her a couple of weeks to warm up to Kaiosa and eventually meet the rest of her pack, though it would take months for her to feel comfortable around the rest.

Parents - Unknown Psychic Mother. Unknown Shadow Father

Adopted Parents - Kaiosa
Adopted Siblings - Avon (brother).

Likes: Fish. Fruits. Sleeping. Stargazing.

Dislikes: Swimming (can't swim very well). Sunlight.

Fears: Stranger wolves


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: Myself
  • Quote: N/A

  • Absolia is based on my cat
  • She tends to follow Miu and Nadis around because of their species
  • She is arguably pretty close with Teayri and Fayde because of them being close in age
  • Absolia doesn't have the webbed toes on her paws because her father is shadow

Human facts:
  • TBA