(Spinxyn) Natto



2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Brain full,, goo in head...
A tiny dude,, 

A strange seeming spinxyn, misunderstood by most. Having been cursed in childhood for being brash and impulse and unintentionally mean words, he's since tried to compensate and think before he speaks. He may have veered a bit too far- as he is eerily silent, and speaks with an odd cadence his words, seeming to contemplate the universe before opening his mouth. He has little to no inflection in his voice, it being quite monotonous, neutral and firm. Which,, admitidly- paired with his uncanny apperance and neutral expression doesn't often make the greatest first impression. 

He does his best to not be a bother to others. Doesn't make sound when he walks, cleans up after himself leaving no trace he's been there. Sometimes sees someone drop their wallet and sneaks it back into their clothes or bag or whatever. He sometimes also forgoes blinking as to give his full and undivided attention to whoever is speaking, maintaining eyecontact stronger than steel, since they deserve to be respected and felt listened to! Comedically and pathetically unaware of how creepy he comes off as. He's,, great at following directions tho, and will for sure listen if you ask him to announce himself before entering rooms or something- although that can be kinda weird too...

His rainbowish goop smells of fresh figs. No clue why, it's pleasant yes but somehow thats a bit more foreboding than an oil or chemical smell people expect

OG design by S0AP! Edits (hair having more black) by me! Please ref this version!

Design notes:
His toe beans are goopy and rainbowy like his back goo
He has no brows!
His eyeshadow is also rainbow-shiny and can be drawn sorta goopy! Keeps his dry eyes well lubricated
My guys skintone is pretty desaturated for stylistic effect, I encourage you to colour it more realistically if you'd prefer!
Cries shiny goop! I encourage you to draw him emotionlessly bawling his eyes out