Taysak (Dragon) (Seven Thrones AU)



2 years, 17 days ago


Age:Pre-Scorching (well over 2000 now)
Gender/Pronouns:Genderless (Usually called an "it", but is called She/Her by close friends)
Tribe:Pre-scorching sandwing
Height:Slightly taller than the average sandwing
Relationships:Bucket (Friend), Soulsight (Friend), Kinkajou (Enemy)

Taysea is a guardian that wanders the catacombs. Incredibly fast on foot and deadly, it made a reputation for being a mysterious force that catches you no matter how fast you fly. It's unknown what its guarding, but its deep in the catacombs.
There's many myths and rumours about it, including the fact its not killing to protect, but rather for fun, but not many have seen it and lived. Its widely believed however, that if you respect the catacombs and be quiet, it'll leave you alone until you venture too deep for your screams to be heard. 
There's a myth about the catacombs. Dragons tend to assume it's only
the prison we keep prisoners in. Well, that's true. The top part is
the prison. But it runs deep. Real deep. We don't even know how many floors
it has. Some think it runs to the core of this land.
Now, we'd explore it, right? But there's something in there. Dragons have gone in
only to be thrown back to the surface, dead. Dragons say they've killed it
too, but it keeps coming back. Like, back to life. It's a strange thing.
Either way I'm not going down there. It's a death sentence, and if I really
had to go down there, I'd commit a crime and kiss my family goodbye
first. Even then you'll have to drag me back there, I don't want to meet the thing.