Grant Roth đź“•



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






Short Description:

Name: Grant Roth

Nicknames: Garrot

Species: Human

Nationality / Ethnicity: Welsh

Pronouns: He / Him

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Job Status: College Student (Studying Music Production and Composition)

Magic Abilities / Abilities:



  • Passive Aggressive - Always comes bad faith if anyone talks to him, thinks they have ulterior motives
  • Introverted - Avoids social interaction when he can to focus on his work on the Un-Gweddol
  • Indifferent,  detached - Shows little concern for other people's thoughts or feelings, even for people he “cares” about, he only thinks they will hurt him in return
  • Deeply Paranoid - Is scared someone will find out what he’s done and how he's truly like


  • Hockey
  • Making Music

Hobby to do with Others:

  • Hockey with Niko
  • Drinking out with Niko and the Others


  • Cultist - Says it's just an organised religion but nobody has ever heard of it before. 
  • Metalhead
  • Owns a book known as the “Un-Gweddol '', always carrying it around and treats it like it's a person with thoughts and feelings, definitely doesn't have anything to do with the cult stuff and definitely doesn’t gives him access to an eldritch force who grants him dark magic. 
  • Is the only one who can read the Un-Gweddol.
  • Has murderous tendencies, has probably killed before but will never tell.
  • Animals don't like him
  • Always tired - has insomnia due to staying up to write and obess over the Un-Gweddol 
  • Hears voices of his eldritch god in his head
  • Kills randomly, doesn't care who they are as long as they have no connection to him, only wants blood for his god
  • Wants to kill Amelie, but can't due to their established relationship and being suspected of her murder if he did it

Childhood Extra:

  • Knew Maeve as a kid, got close over the years ue to both being seen as outcasts
  • Used to kill small wild animals for fun, kids thought he was really weird and cruel for this.
  • Generally disliked by most kids.


  • Hockey
  • Metal Music
  • Candles
  • Chips (With Gravy and nothing else)
  • The dark forces beyond this mortal plane
  • Quinn - Is attracted to him, they are quite mysterious and have dark thoughts like him.


  • People - People thought he was weird from a young age and got bullied for it, now thinks people deserve the even worse cruelty then what he had from them, like a twisted sense of revenge 
  • Dewi - It keeps trying to bite him
  • Michelangelo - He knows what the Un-Gweddol is and what it is doing, is trying to stop it.
  • Amelie - Also knows what the Un-Gweddol is, but is using that to blackmail Grant, so he doesn't like being used in this way