Lady Luck's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

netflixandsapphire Global Rules

By owning a design created by the user netflixandsapphire ("the Designer"), the current owner/s, previous owner/s, and associated parties ("the Owner/s") affirm to have read and agree to be legally bound by the following Terms of Use listed below. Failure to abide by these terms may result in blacklisting, public service announcement, and/or court action. Note that these terms may be subject to change without prior notice.
These Terms of Use are in effect as of JUNE 03, 2024.

1.) If the design is an underage character, appears recognizably underaged, or is otherwise depicted as underage by the Designer, then the design may not be represented in sexual/fetish activity or any sexual context.

2.) If the design is a character unable to give informed consent, then the design may not be represented in sexual/fetish activity or any sexual context.

3.) The design may not be used to promote content that supports anti-humanitarian beliefs such as sexism, racism, ageism, classism, transphobia, homophobia, fascism, necrophilia, zoophilia, or pedophilia.

4.) The design may not be used to promote content that supports illegal activity within the Designer or Owner/s country of residence or location unless said law or laws violate human rights.

5.) The design may not be used commercially without the Designer's permission. The Designer relinquishes ownership of the design to the Owner/s for personal and non-profit use. The Designer cannot revoke the commercial license after the fact unless the Owner/s break Terms of Use.

6.) The Owner/s may not claim the original design as the Owner/s' work, whether or not the Owner/s made edits to the original artwork. The Owner/s may make minor or major edits to the design. If the Owner/s' updated design is recognizable as the Designer's, the Owner/s must credit the Designer.

7.) The Designer only claims ownership of the original design and its conceptual execution. The Designer does not claim ownership of any noticeably altered redesigns or character traits created after the Desinger's ownership ends. The Designer may not be defamated by the Owner/s decision to break Terms of Use.

8.) Neither the Designer nor the Owner/s are entitled to a refund after the design's ownership has moved unless Terms of Use are broken. In the event of a breach of these terms, the Owner/s relinquish their rights to the character. The character returns to being the Designer's intellectual property in which they are free to regift, retrade, resell, and redesign as they see fit.