The Son



2 years, 3 months ago


little facts:
  • Name is Kelly Hartley
  • An axe murderer. Walked away from an argument with his father and came back with an axe, attacked him and then locked him down in their basement. Was 19 at the time (happened in 2011) and very quickly skipped town afterwards, the murder never really investigated because his father's abusive treatment was an open town secret
  • Came back to Palomino when his father was ruled dead in absentia (ie presumed dead due to lack of evidence) after four years (2015) to sell off the old Hartley home, bought a beat up hearse with the money (a very shitty sense of humor) and squirrels the rest away. Leaves once more without much word to anyone
  • Ends up coming back to town again when contacted by a storage company there (his father had a storage unit which he paid a deposit on for a decade or so, the payment running out and leaving the son responsible to handle it) to sort through the contents and figure out what to do with them all, kickstarting the actual events of the story (2017)
  • Works as a line cook and spends most of his time whittling, reading incredibly dense sci-fi books, and hiking. Starts going hunting after a bit with a friend's friend, gets into watching trail cam footage. Quiet and unimposing, does not let a single thought slip to anyone else most of the time
  • Not good at dancing
  • Avoids people he does not know like the plague- does not understand for the most part that people don't just Get him and gets pissed off when someone who does not know how to read him makes an incorrect assumption
  • Not good at handling anger- his father was a very angry man and his own anger growing up was always punished- believes he does all he can to avoid situations which make him angry while actively + subconsciously doing just the opposite. Works a job he hates just because it + the anger it brings is is familiar at that point, putting himself in situations just to get upset and then remove himself, etc. Cannot bottle shit up to save his life and lashes out a lot
  • Thinks of himself as inhuman