Albus Apore V



2 years, 2 months ago



Name Albus Apore the 5th
Age 41
Gender FTM Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Baskarian
Ideals Apore

Albus is the sole son of the Apore family line and next to be king in the baskarian region. His father has left him a lot of work to be done after he almost ruined the repoutation of the baskarian royalty due to his questionable decisions and actions after the human genocide. Even though his father is quite against the human, Albus has found a friend in Ivar, the human royalty and owes a lot of his cool headed demeanor to him. He has a fiance who does not reciprocate feelings and is mostly in it for the status, he is clueless of this because of his good nature.

Like any omegian royalty, Albus does not support his life on the fact he is of royal blood. Instead he has established a baskarian cooperative for agricultural goods that stems all across the region. Thanks to this small farmers have a easy access revenue for their produce and the baskarians are able to export goods to other regions more efficiently. Because of the nature of his job its not rare to see him dirty or bruised. The charcoal legs he has are due to years of handling lava turtles in the west of the region. He uses his Bo to make his body sturdier.