Lorelei Adelyte And Nacht



6 years, 5 months ago



Name: Lorelei Adelyte

Designer: The amazing https://fluffydisorder.deviantart.com/

?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs6.favim.com%2Forig%2F15Species: Lynx

Gender: Female

Age: She looks like a young adult, but no one could actually say how old she is

Birthday: November 19th

Languages: Native: German, Other: English ( Fluent ), French ( Fluent ), Small bits of other languages, only important stuff for travel.

Familiar: Demonic three eyed creature named Nacht. Her scleras have grown black because of her connection to them. 

Magic: She needs her staff or familiar there to cast most of her spells, and is quite weak without it. Of course, she can improvise, but only if necessary. She always has her staff with her, and it's very hard to get it away from ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimher. She's not the type from prewritten spells or magical objects, and prefers to make her own. She's quite casual about her use of magic, she doesn't usually need to hide or reserve it.

Favorite food: Both Lorelei and Nacht love chocolate, and neither of them like sharing. 

Fashion: She loves anything "Vintage". She is alright with cutesy, modern clothes, but loves styles from the 50s. She enjoys creepy flairs and patterns to her outfits, as well as flowers for decoration. She is rarely ever seen without a long sleeved black shirt under her outfits though. I got bored so here are some examples

Bio: Lorelei doesn't initially seem like the social type. Normally, she's cool and quite with peoples, and stuff doesn't seem to peak her interest. It's easy for her to become rude, cold and even hostile to strangers when they push her to hard. It'll take a while for her to warm up to you, if you have the patience for it, but once you wear down the rough exterior, she is actually quite sweet and playful. Of course, she is a little dark and loves horror, but who could expect less from a witch of her caliber. She adores Nacht, the two have been traveling together for years. Speaking of travel, that's what Lorelei does most days. She'll crash in a hotel and stay in a town or city for a few days, then it's on to the next. No use staying around a risk suspicion, right? She has a bottomless bag that she carries around with her, that looks like a suitcase but holds everything she's ever owned, so luggage isn't really a problem. She normally stays in Europe, since she doesn't like flying to go to other countries. She used to live with a handful of other witches many years ago, but for some reason they broke off, and she refuses to tell anyone why. She doesn't have any majors goals at the moment, at least not ones she wants others to know about. Most people guess she just wants to wander around, maybe find a place and people she's happy with?u=https%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2Fb