benito pérez galdós



2 years, 2 months ago



name: Benito Pérez Galdós

alias.: Benito, Ben

birthday: 10/05

birthplace: Birmingham, United Kingdom

nacionality: Turkish and British

current age: 14 y/o

current location: London, United Kingdom


gender: male

prn: he/him


species: human

voice claim: Future Luke - Professor Layton

blood type: b-

main hand: right

face type: round

eye color: amber/yellow

hair color: Havana Brown

hairstyle: Messy and tied up in a braid

skintone: Honey

body type: Rectangle

build: Slim

height: 1,54 cm

weight: 53kg

shoe number: 36 (EU)

birthmark: none

scar: none

Distinguishing Features: He looks older than he is due to his facial features, brits aren't used to strangers.

Benito is a carefree, jokester and chill person, who can actually take his job seriously. He has strong morals and doesn't let anyone decieve him, due to his constant mindset changing and travelling. He likes to brag about things he has earned himself, also loves to show off, confident enough to think he will impress everybody just because he's a child. He masks a lot and is actually a really tustful person, he relies too much on public opinion, though.

mbti: ESFJ

mood: Neutral, most of the times

Attitude: Needy, practical, reliable.

Stability: Stable, has a detachment disorder

Note: None

Expressiveness: Subtle

Happy : Speaks louder than usual

Depressed: Unnoticeable

Angry: Hides it

health: average

memory: good

energy: good

senses: average

allergies: no yes
To pollen

handicaps: no yes

phobia: no yes

addiction: no

mental disorder: no yes
Detachment disorder

religion: None

morals: Don't do what you want people to do to you.

Goals: Feeling finally at home

motivation: His "job" and the detectives around him

Priority: Depending, mostly prioritizes himself internally

philosophy: Same as moral

culture: Mix of British and Turkish

influences: His family and travelling a lot

traditions: Tba

Partner: Name: none

Marital Status: single

how they met: n/a

Love language: Gives lots of attention and listens to you + gives lots of gifts because he knows everything about you

Community: Welcoming, still gets racist comments and people tend to underestimate him

Edgar Allan Poe: colleage
Arthur Conan Doyle: colleage?
Oscar Wilde: rival

talk about their social life! How do they deal with other people? This box will scroll :) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

family: Name: relative | Name: relative | Name: relative

friends:close friend | Edgar Allan Poe: friend | Arthur Conan Doyle: friend

rival: Oscar Wilde:rival

Reputation: Average, not much people know him.

First Impress.: Comes off as an emo kid due to his lack of emotions with strangers (does it to impress)

Stranger Impress.: Same as first impression

Style: Steampunk/factory

mode of dress: Loosely, doesn't take much care about his looks.

Groom: Doesn't brush his hair much, Edgar has to keep him clean

posture: Straight back, but really relieved. Like he doesn't look tense

gait: He moves normally

scent: He smells like vanilla due to Edgar

habits& manneirisms: Cracking/popping his fingers

Wardrobe: Everything is shirts and vests, doesn't change much

accessories: Watch earring and his tophat

trinkets: None

Home: He lives in Edgar's flat, a small humble place

funds: n/a

transportation: He walks and uses taxis sometimes

most expensive item: His watch that he uses as an earring

most important item: Also the same watch

Education: None, he learned most of the things with Edgar

IQ: 97

stereotype: dumb kid that is actually smart

grades: n/a

degree: n/a

logical.: high

lingu.: low

musical.: low

intra.: average

interp.: high

spatial.: average

kinectic.: average

nature.: average

crrnt job: detective (helper)

desired job: none

Work Ethnic: He just does his job

Rank: Helper of an employee

income: n/a

Wealth status: middle

experience: none