
Basic Info



Date of Birth

18th November 1989






5ft 6"
















Mischievous, confident, hardworking, energetic, impatient.


Cars, travelling, energy drinks, explosives, neon, graffiti, women, physics, machinery, music.


Waiting, traffic jams, card games, sweets, dirt, tight clothes, prudes, sun, surprises, conflict.


So named for his confident and outgoing look on life, Remi is an anthropomorphic skunk with remarkable features and traits that make him stand out in a crowd despite his rather understated overall appearance. Standing at a modest height of 5ft 6", Remi is known to be one to punch above his height and weight when it comes to his work ethic and taking on professional challenges and new learning experiences. Born on 18th November 1989, Remi has made a living for himself as a highly skilled car mechanic and owns in his personal possession a range of sports coupés, hot hatchbacks and utility vehicles that he has purchased and maintained himself, drastically reducing on the overall running and maintenance cost of each vehicle he owns. He is an extremely hardworking individual making a decent living wage in a profession that he is enthusiastic and heavily focused on, keeping on the right side of the law - for the most part - while balancing time for a social life outside of work. Although he is energetic and outgoing, the strongest relationships he maintains are with that of his friends as he's yet to find a date. Being on the conservative side his ideal woman would be a stay at home type while he works to bring money into the household. Remi has a nose for mischief and in spite of being a dedicated and focused worker he somehow always finds the time to play practical jokes on others, whether it be a colleague, a friend or a family member, Remi's sense for causing trouble is almost second nature, so long as he himself is not on the receiving end of such practical jokes as he does not take kindly to having said jokes turned back on him. Given his choice of career, it's easy to determine that one of Remi's biggest passions in life is cars, particularly cars as he holds a low opinion of other transport means including but not limited to bikes and public transport. Having worked as a car mechanic for many years, he knows the ins and outs of just about any vehicle with four wheels placed down in front of him and is so experienced and enthusiastic in this he is able to keep up maintenance on his own line of cars, despite barely finding the time to drive them very much. Other hobbies include travelling (when he gets the chance), graffiti, physics as this helps greatly with his understanding of vehicles, hard rock and metal music, and messing with industrial machinery (legally or otherwise). Remi is notable for his attraction to any decorative neon item as his house is largely filled with neon signs and items decorating the halls and rooms of his home. Energy drinks help to keep him focused and running for long days of work as the work tasks he is involved with does become very physically strenuous, a challenge for someone of his rather lean and bottom heavy physical build.

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