Via Alizé



2 years, 3 months ago


Name          Vivianne "Via" Alizé
Age              27 years old (1st September)
Gender        Female, She/Her
Sexuality     Bisexual
Job               Princess of Polidora
Family          Vincent Alizé, Theodora Alizé
Partner         Fenris Mahigan
Religion       N/A

Height         5'6
Species       Vampyre
Via has very pale skin and bright purple eyes. She has dark purple hair that reaches her mid-back and is fastened with a bow,
she has a fringe covering her left eye. She wears a flowing purple dress with black foldings at the base held with small black bows,
it is the same with her sleeves. She has a pink bow around her dress collar and wears a black corset over her clothes. She has black
boot heels.
Via is a larger-than-normal bat. She is black-purple with a purple mane and wings, she also has a small crown-shaped patch on her forehead.
Has very pointy ears and a pointed nose.
Weapon       N/A

Via is quite immature and jumpy, she acts really cheerful and is always full of energy. She is quite flirty, accidently getting
crushes on most people but usually backs down and uses flirting as a joke. She is quite rebellious and defiant to the norms
and does everything in her power to not follow what her parents are doing. When confronted with something serious, she has a
difficult time being serious, though it does depend on the severity. She is surprisingly motherly, she gets along with kids and is a
talented nurse. 
Likes           Night-time, Love, Blood, Chocolate, Purple, Travelling, Flowers, Birds, Snakes, Spring
Dislikes       Pollen, Fire, Daytime, Bees, Gold, Stakes, Steaks, Garlic, Garlic Flowers, Water, Religion

Heightened senses. Shapeshifting (currently unable to).

Via is the sole heir of the Polidora Kingdom. She was basically raised by her maids and butlers, having minimal contact with her
parents through most of her childhood. This changed though when she was tricked by a witch and lost her ability to transform into
a bat. This scare resulted in her parents becoming more involved, much to Via's pleasure.

As she got older, the prospect of marriage came up. She was irritated by the fact her parents wanted to arrange it, so she began to sneak
out during the day. She was eventually taken to Balkadour, where she was offered as a bride to the prince, Fenris. Upon meeting the prince,
she became infatuated, but when the door was slammed in their face by the king they left. That night, she was surprised by Fenris at her window,
she quickly fell in love with him and the two began their secret relationship.

When Fenris and Lupa left their kingdom, Via found out when he stopped showing up, she left to find him, coming across the Wulves and promptly
joining them to support her fiance.

Extra          Originally meant to be part of the main characters. Originally a warrior cats adoptable that was turned into a 'human'.