


2 years, 6 months ago


Name          Lantern
Age             Young adult
Gender        Agender,she/they
Sexuality     Asexual
Job              N/A
Family         Penn, many siblings
Religion      N/A

Height         5'4
Species        Lampades (Fire Nymph)
Lantern is a short Fire Nymph with tanned skin. They have long gray ears and short mid-neck length hair, all with black tips.
They have red horns with the left horn being mostly broken off. Their legs are furry and black with red hooves and a long
slender gray-tufted tail. They are missing parts of their arms, stomach and eyes. They have black translucent skin over these
injuries, with their skeleton visible underneath. Like all Fire Nymphs, they have no genitalia. They wear a long-sleeved white button
up shirt, and long brown pants with the suspenders down near the waist. They have a leather corset around their stomach and leather
fingerless gloves.
Weapon       N/A

Likes           -
Dislikes      -

Full-body combustion. (Deadly since they lack fire immunity.)

Lantern was born from a volcano like the rest of their siblings, however they were one of the rare nymphs born without fire immunity so they immediatley
began to succumb in the lava until one of their siblilings pulled them out. Their sibling nursed them into clinging onto life, carrying them down the mountain
until the two encountered a traveller dressed in pink. He gave them some healing potions and a pen, guiding them to the kingdom of Balkadour before parting
ways with them. Their sibling admired the traveller, and named themself Penn after the gift he gave them. She assisted them in choosing the name Lantern.

Balkadour wouldn't let the pair inside, so Penn used what little she had learnt from the traveller to begin making potions, eventually crafting one that would give
Lantern faux skin to cover her exposed bones, which was translucent and black. When Penn grew prominent in potioncraft, she earned enough to buy a shop in the
kingdom, which gave the pair a home to live in.

Lantern met a witch named Merle while living in Balkadour, and began to come in just to spend time with her. Though, one day, Merle left a portal open and Lantern's
curiosity got the better of her so she stepped into it. She came out the other side into a strange home, startling Hewie Casette and causing him to drop his creation
(which she later learned was "The Lego Death Star"). The portal disappeared before she could go home and she has been stuck being Hewie's annoying roommate. Though,
deep down, she really misses home and her sibling.

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