


2 years, 2 months ago



Having a name...I feel like a human, I feel like I'm accepted to be part of a family...just like a human...


Kahore is 7's twin brother...or just their heads were from the same pair of twins. One of the 13 homunculi ever made. His creation was abrupted thus he lost his arm and his supernatural abilities but he is still a go-lucky and cheerful individual regardless of his lost. A very naive and good hearted person who loves and sees everyone else as his beloved family.

curious . naive . fun . kind-hearted . clingy . caring

general info

Name Kahore
alias Fool, Kiddo, Shithead
Species Homunculus
Gender Male
cv(headcanon)Ogata Megumi

Age Unknown
Height 173 cm
hair color White, Green
eye color Blood red

world The Otherworld, The Real World
affiliation The Resistance Group
Occupation Weaponsmith

Status Unknown

miscellaneous info

His name Kahore means nothing in Maori. Zero and nothingness aren't the same so he shouldn't be named as that number.


  • DIYs
  • Learning new things
  • His siblings
  • Haize
  • The feelings of getting accepted
  • The feelings of getting loved back

  • His bandaged fake arm
  • Getting pushed away







Lost his arm and supernatural abilities the moment he was created, he decided to be happy and supportive for his fellow homunculi by being proud that he has a family of powerful individuals. No matter how much he gets rejected by his own twin brothers, he still chooses to love him and anyone wholeheartedly. Lost into a new life, he continues to love and see a human child - that is associated with his other brother - as his beloved niece.
So much love but is this honest and healthy?

7!! 7!!! I fixed your weapon, don't you miss your hard-working big brother? It's a shame I am not allowed to see how cool and cute you are when patrolling or fighting...


Friendly, cheerful and kind-hearted but maybe bit of an airhead or too naive or oblivious? Kahore always wants to help or to make anybody he loves to smile more.

combat stats







  • Kahore learns physical combats, self-defense methods & rifle usages than fighting with magic.

Abilities: None โ†’ Inherits 1's abilities later on.

Magic capability: Decent enough but he only uses it for trivial matters such as creating his bandage arm.


When he was made, he lost his arm due to an accident thus unable to have any incredible strength to be qualified as a homunculus to help people, so he wasn't allowed to have a code number or a name. 7 might be his "twin brother" but because of this useless numberless, 7 was called 7 as if serving as his replacement instead; this caused the brother to have a bad relationship. Yet the older brother doesn't dislike 7 but actually cares about him a lot to the point seeing all other homunculi as a big family - perhaps this is how he copes with the fact he is different from them?
One day, this numberless homunculus followed 1(the first homunculus ever made) to the human's world and found out he's been working for a rebel group against the homunculi. The leader of the group decided to call him as Kahore out of pity and instead of having him used as a lab rat, 1 insisted having Kahore to live with a human family that he(1) personally knew.
That family was actually Haize's family that she could hardly remember. Kahore was the first person who sew dresses for the children of the family when their parents weren't there, not knowing it was because of the dresses that caused the father to get angered and slaughtered the youngest son while Kahore was hiding with the older sister muted behind the wall. Since then Kahore promised to protect the children, especially Haize, from afar, as it's his duty as a homunculus but also as a family member.
Then to liberate 11 from being used a lab rat, he gave up looking after for Haize just to protect a fellow homunculus sibling. Again, the homunculi aren't siblings and neither is he related to a human like Haize. He chose the homunculus who hates him even more aggressive than 7 would ever be as he would never be the one wanting to kill Kahore.
To end all suffering of both sides, he was forced to invent a weapon that can be used to kill the immortality of a homunculus with the data from all the drug testing and anything he personally knew about his 'family'. It was then used by 1 to conclude a love story that needs to end.
The brothers would reunite... in a bloodbath as the love Kahore had for the image of the homunculi as a family, the desire to have his niece Haize to be loved, ran out.

There's no more to cherish, I have devoted everything from my own heart... They said the most important lesson is to love and be loved in return... He made a sacrifice for his daughter alone and now expecting this useless vessel to actually win the war in his place... Tell me, was there any love in return for me?



what do you like the most?

I actually like making things, anything, as long as I can help and make other smiles~! Weapons to make sure my brothers and sisters can protect the others, cute outfits so someday I can give to my niece... Aaaaaa, so much ideas to do!


this is the Real world, what do you think about it?

I really like the colors of the skies and plants here!!! But I honestly dislike whenever this world starts to rain... Such a depressing sight.


do you have any wishes?

I do wish I would get accepted and loved back by my only brother and my niece... What a delusional desire, isn't it?


i will leave you for now, what are you going to do today?

I think I will visit Brother 1, he looks sad lately... So I will tell him all the cute moments I recorded of Haize! Oh ye, Haize is my cute niece and his daughter!!!

about outfits

main outfit
Just something Kahore himself crafted. The backless vest was something he reworked from an old unused black long tailed coat that was belong to Haize's father. The purple cloth was a gift from a fellow homunculus but he doesn't know this is actually a magic-infused cloth used as a tracking device.

1's robe
The cloak was reworked from 1's cloak after his death, same with the chest holsters that don't fit Kahore's smaller build. He wears more white here as if he was forced to take over 1's position and responsibilities.

  • He is the main protagonist of the story.
  • So obviously he speaks like a basic shonen protag LMAO.
  • As like all homunculus, he doesn't a taste bud but he is always interested into human cooking and recipes because it looks as difficult as forging weapons. His foods taste horrible, don't try.
  • He knows some magics but mostly just uses it to maintain his bandage for arm as he believes to work with his physical strength as much as he can.
  • He knows sewing and can make clothes from old clothes and some dyes, if no material available he would use magic to make them.
  • It's a coincidence that he and Jarja look similar (white hair, red eyes and has a purple cloth) but he is not aware of this fact and just hates the human boy for hurting Haize.
  • One of his overused shenanigan to play on 7 is to send an inquiry on escort request where 7 has to go with him into the woods for material collecting, only then he would throw leaves at his brother as if confetti.
  • Normal civilians of the Otherworld often forget he is a homunculus and not a human.
  • He created weapons and equipment for all members of 5's squadron.
  • Forging weapons is his instincts and skills but it's unknown whether if he actually knew how to use them practically.


7 Twin brother

7 is Kahore's real sibling and is the cutest. Even though he tends to tease or send inquiries for escort requests just to hangout with 7, the younger twin doesn't commit violence against him but is just absolutely annoyed.

nanye Sister

He volunteered to save her from being a drug test rat in exchange for caring Haize. She might be mean but she can a chance to change!

1 Awesome Big Brother

An Elite homunculus who might look cold but he is the most awesome that allows Kahore to do whatever he wants. Also his parental love for Haize is just admirable.

HAIZE Beloved niece

Haize had amnesia so she no longer remembers him nor he would like to show himself in front of her but he still look after her from afar whenever he can. However Kahore does look similar to Jarja which can scare her away if she saw him.

aili Beloved niece

As Aili lived and was associated with the Resistance, she was always around him. He treated her like a niece or even a younger sister that shuldn't wear inappropriate clothings yet as told by other humans "she was on her teenage phase"!