Wally Silas



6 years, 6 months ago




Obtained: Military Raid
Status: Active
Rank: Vanguard #6
Notes: Behaviour unpredicable, must up sedative dosage.
Creator: Aanzhen

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown

Specimen Profile

• Focused • Unstable
Disignation Vanguard # 6 - "Cornwall Alistair Silas" Birthdate April 21
Age 15 Augmentation? Yes, 65% of organic replaced.
Gender Male Abilties Plasma Manipulation, uncontrolled.
Species Human Seraphim Hybrid Handler: Lance Corporal Malcolm Silas

Vanguard #6 was acquired six years ago in the winter of 23XX after a successful Military raid to capture some of the remaining rebellion leaders Jamie and Lennox Silas, as well as their 3 other children. #6 was immideately placed into the Vanguard program Sect 4, along with other captured hybrid children accquired through the raids. For the first few weeks #6 health declined but showed some promise so experimental augmentation was issued. #6's Health recovered enough to continue with the program. Examination continued and #6 was the only candidate of Sect 4 to survive preliminary trials and procceeded onto the main experimentation.

Although initially hostile through the intial implimentation there was the opportunity to test new behaviour equipment that had been prototyped with Vangaurd Sect 2 with promising results. THe equipment is attached to the neck and melded in, like a dog and a shock collar only more permanent. This new equipment should keep behaviour problems to the minimum. Implimenation of the equipment was approved immideately with #6's handler's enthusiastic blessing.

#6 was particularly unstable after equipment was successfully installed. The expected strain on the subject was prominent, refusing to sleep since installation but the addition of sedatives helps to keep #6 in a more acceptable sleep cycle. After a month or two with the equipment has done its job wonderfully and 6#'s violent outbursts have more or less been quelled. Behaviour while still very unstable is now easier to work with. It's only when the sedatives begin to wear off #6 begins to become unruly. However, thanks to the equipment, we can easily subdue him into a submissive state for easier handling.
Even after so many years #6 is one of our most promising and prized subjects. #6 is responding better then ever to the augmentational surgeries and only grows stronger with each passing day. Truely this specimen will pave way for even better technolgies then we can dream of.