Julian Ishtar



6 years, 6 months ago


Name  — Julian Ishtar

Gender  —  Male (trans)

Ethnicity — French-Vietnamese American

Height — 5'9

Birthday — May 28th

Sexuality — Bisexual


Julian is a 21 year old college Sophomore currently studying to obtain a bachelor's of music and technology. While not sitting down and cramming all work down in advance he spends his free time hunting demons to pay for both living expenses and his school tuition.


"The Sight" Due to mass exposure to an otherworldly dimension Julian has obtained the ability to sense/see supernatural-paranormal entities and interact with them on a physical level.

Elemental Spell CastingHe is able to channel most natural forms of magic for long range offensive attacks as well as defense. He has an effinity for water/ice and fire based magic.

Ambiance Control  A much stronger form of magic where Julian uses his body as a medium to draw out pure, naturally occurring magic in the the immediate area and weaponize it for tangible attacks.


Julian is mildly neurotic, having a calm but ever s slightly lethargic disposition towards life. He tends applies a level a seriousness to things (either it be work or school) but around familiar faces (Ex: his sister) he can not be above the influence of others and go along with shenanigans. Julian has a mild cowardly nature which tends to make him act as a technical pacifist when it comes to most conflict. He will attempt to act as a mediator as long as the transgressions are resolved. If they are not then he will face the problem head on to solve it much to his dismay

Julian suffers from depression and severe anxiety along with crippling self worth. This is all due to his past as the thought of him being worthless was excruciatingly hammered into his head. He believes himself to be nothing worthwhile and it accumulates in him putting others before himself or in the case of those he dislikes, overly-privileged authority. He has the unfortunate habit of bottling his emotions and remain distant to a large number of people due to an instilled fear of punishment. This can result in him having a slow building fuse that may go off after a good number of grievances. He is also naturally sarcastic when it comes to people he dislikes he will actively show his distaste around them, passive aggressively jabbing and mocking them.

Despite these negatives once Julian opens up to a person he is nothing short of a supportive friend. He sees his friends as part of family and will do what if takes to help them in their troubles. To him, family is one of the things he holds onto dearly and will sacrifice what he can to help him. Any insult to them is a direct insult to himself and a sure fire why to dig up his nastier side.


Julian was born to a French-Vietnamese businessman and a French woman who moved to America shortly before his birth where he was born under the name "▮▮▮▮▮ Nguyen", the middle child of 3. Unfortunately the Nguyen family was killed in an car accident when Julian was only 3 or 4 years old and with no family willing to travel halfway across the world to claim him he was surrendered to the US government and placed into the foster-care system. He was moved into a small Children's home in a suburban town in Maine where he was given the temporary last name of "L'Engle". Here is where he found his adoptive sister Jacklynn and took it upon himself to take care of her despite his own age. Soon after he begins to ask his resident caretaker to call him by the name "Julian" after his favorite book character.
Around the age of 11 Julian and his sister Jackie were forcefully abducted from the home's playground by a otherworldly witch who held them in captivity for three months before escaping to a otherworldly town called


whom rescued and adopted them under the last name "Ishtar". Life was peaceful for a few years but because of the Witch connecting his soul to use as a beacon it was left permanently fragmented and was slowly possessed by a demon, accumulating in the demon attempting to take Julian's life by forcing him to jump off a bridge. After recovery the demon was exercised and now Julian must wear a charm to prevent another possession from occurring.


Julian now goes to a high end college for degrees in Music and Technology while trying to maintain his career as a demon hunter and a musician but also his abysmal social life. If he's not doing any of those three things he is normally passed out in his bed or on his sofa. Every now and then he will do to bars for company but always leaves alone (Anxiety sucks). Unfortunately, becoming a teacher to two young demon hunters has been added to his list.


  • Due to the issue with his soul Julian is more or less lethargic most of the time. He's a caffeine junkie because of this.
  • A Skilled singer but also has skills in ukulele, bass and rhythm guitar and piano.
  • Has a nicotine addiction and very high alcohol tolerance .
  • Has a blue speedster motorbike named Matilda.
  • Because of the demon Julian has scars across his wrists due to paranoia.