Jackie Ishtar



6 years, 6 months ago


Name  —  Jacklynn Ishtar

Gender  — Female

Ethnicity  —  African-Native American

Height  —  5'5

Birthday — May 28th

Sexuality — Pansexual (feminine preference)


Jackie is a 18 year old college Freshman currently studying to obtain a Degree in Literature. While not doing her school work or mingling in social situations Jackie spends her free time hunting demons with her brother to pay for both living expenses and as a stress relief.


"The Sight" — Due to mass exposure to an otherworldly dimension Jackie has obtained the ability to sense/see supernatural-paranormal entities and interact with them on a physical level.

Elemental Spell Casting — Jackie is able to channel most natural forms of magic. She specializes in close combat mainly uses contact magic in order to strengthen her melee attacks. (example - Channeling fire onto her bo staff, kicking up chunks of earth and punching at the enemy)

Martial Arts skill — Is efficient in Kajukenbo and has a long history of Kickboxing behind her.

Linguistics and Pattern Recognition 


On the sureface, Jackie is a loud, hyperactive and bubbly young woman with an affinity for stars and star shaped accessories. She is extroverted, bluntly honest and loves to be around other people and mingle into social groups. To say she is a social butterfly is an understatement. Beneath this social aspect of her is the calculating side of her personality. Because of her socializing Jackie can read people easily and pick up onto their moods.  Unlike her brother, Jackie is a go-getter and slightly impulsive which sometimes can have her get into trouble. She will take responsibility for her actions and will try her best to rectify them.

Unfortunately, Jackie has mild sociopathic traits. Despite being a social butterfly she has trouble relating or having empathy for those around her and puts on her hyperactive front to be more approachable to people. When she isn't putting up a front Jackie is more muted and slightly somber. She also has an anger problem, however thanks to therapy and medication Jackie is more of less well adjusted.

Despite all this, Jackie can make few strong, lasting bonds and relationships.  She deeply cares about those few people that she can connect with and is a loyal friend.


Jackie was born under the name Jacklynn Hill, her family originally coming from South Dakota before relocating to Maine. She was the youngest child of the Hill Family, having one old brother by 17 years. Unfortunately soon after her birth her father was diagnosed with aggressive, late-stage lung cancer and her mother fell into postpartum depression and passed away. Her brother was left with a sadistic choice, attempt to raise her while in college with no means of financial stability or give her up for adoption in hopes she'll have a better life. So he reluctantly gave her up. 

Jackie was surrendered to the US government and placed into the foster-care system. She was moved into a small Children's home in a suburban town in Maine where she was given the temporary last name of "L'Engle". Here is where she found her adoptive brother Julian who took it upon himself to take care of her despite his own age. Around the age of 8 Jackie and her brother were forcefully abducted from the home's playground by a otherworldly witch who held them in captivity for three months before escaping to a otherworldly town called


whom rescued and adopted them under the last name "Ishtar". Life was peaceful for a few years but Jackie began to developing intense anger issues from the entire experience, lashing out violent at other students with one altercation ending with Jackie nearly cracking the skull of another student against a table multiple times. She was expelled from their private catholic school and placed into a public one. After Julian's fall, Jackie became more aggressive and was placed into therapy and kickboxing classes to vent her anger in a healthy way. She enter into high school a year early then the rest of her classmates.


Jackie now goes to a high end college for her degree in Literature, hoping to obtain a doctorate in the process. When she's not out and about at her campus social activities she is out demon hunting with her brother or ciphering old codex's to translate or working out and showing off in front of hot people at the gym.