Canon-Animal Haven! (CLOSED)



2 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing


Wellllcommeee to Canon Animal!! This is a video-game styled machine where I throw as many as 10 animals at you and you try to catch!! how does this work you say? Well, with the power of... ART!!

Thats right!! I will draw pixel art of a character of YOUR choice to be trying to catch the fuzzy creatures!

However... theres a large chance they will miss! But dont worry, I wont stop throwing until they catch at least 2, or if they get hit 5 times!

I have been lifting some weights afterall...

But in the end, you'll always get at least 3 works of art!

Though art is vErryy time consuming, so dont expect it fast and perfect!

Here are the rules:

1. keep in mind all senerios are random, i do not pick them myself as i use a wheel. You cannot get mad at me if you dont get what you wanted

2. Refunds aren't accepted, though you can trade/sell them away!

3. You can play as much as you'd like!

4. ALL animals are cuteified, feel free to change them however you'd like!

5. Once its yours its yours, i do not control them or have ownership over them, i only own the design which i will not change once its yours.

6. Clarence section is to the right

7. payments can ONLY be in the following: Gifs > customs > Art > Ac (amino coins)

8. the more offered the more will be thrown. ( 1 payment = 3 plushies thrown)

And most of all, have fun!!

50/50 Animals left