Jazen and Oruz



6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Jazen

Gender: Male

Age: 100 (looks 19)

Species: Demon Neko

Cat Type: Unknown

Height: 5'1"

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Medium down to shoulders

Eye Color: Red

Skin Tone: Pale

Sexuality: Gay

Position: Alpha

Distinguishing marks: Sewed shut mouth missing left eye

Personality: He is much more caring and careful then his brother. He usually takes the brunt of Oruz's torment and allows himself to be that way in order to spare others from the stuff that he knows his brother can do. He does his best to stop his brother from taking things to far if he has to.

Name: Oruz

Gender: Male

Age: 100 (looks 19)

Species: Demon Neko

Cat Type: Unknown

Height: 5'6"

Hair Color: White

Hair Length: Medium down to shoulders

Eye Color:  Red

Skin Tone: Pale

Sexuality: Gay

Position: Alpha

Distinguishing marks: Mouth sewed in to a permenant smile

Personality: More stern and stubborn. He loves to see just what he can do to people and even his own brother. He finds his own happiness in torturing others and trying to do as much as he can to them. His brother acts as a limiter to his aggressive tendancies and brings some humanity to him.