Myon Mion Meon



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Money spent


Daddy issues the character! My Cloodsteel ass edgy dnd character...

Crafty, forthright, blunt and typically very honest. However, she is no stranger to lying, manipulating, and deceiving to get what she wants. Boastful about herself, Bashful if others compliment her. Likes to hear others sing her praises. distrustful, naïve, has a one track mind, has a hard time accepting outside help, prideful to a fault, can be arrogant, easily frustrated. doesn't like when people don't do what she wants them too.

 Myon ran away from her village at a young age and has been living on her own since. She naturally doesn't like or trust people that much. She can be pretty selfish at times but she generally isn't a harmful person and if given the choice will make the right decision so long as it doesn't horribly inconvenience her.

She is book smart, She knows a lot about history, medicine, navigation, all that good stuff; but she isn't very socially adept. When making decisions involving other people her choices aren't always so reliable.


Her mother left her shortly after birth.
Her father raised her alone, Tried to get her to follow in his footsteps of being a priest.

She got in a fight with her father and stole a boat, sailing away into the unknown. She spent a few months island hopping and stealing to get by, eventually ending up lost in the woods of a unknown land. 

Hungry, lost, and alone; she finds a few mushrooms on the floor. The last thing she remembered was taking a bite before waking up in a unknown house.
She was saved by Kaguya, a powerful woman well versed in medicines.
Myon after recovering fully sets off again, only to make a similar mistake, ending up in the care of Kaguya again. There, she decides to study medicine under Kaguya's wing.