


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

full name

Argosseum [DATA LOST]


age-ambiguous young adult (between 23-25)


ferrofluid-based semi-organic dragonlike creature from another dimension


genderfluid (any pronouns) // pan/demisexual

brief personality

reserved, quiet, and sickly. all muddled up and confused inside. he's often in a confused, dreamlike state, and doesn't pay much attention to her surroundings.


sleeping, being alone, mid-2000s culture, 1990s-2000s consumer electronics, emo/goth culture, cats, the act of hiding in blankets


most people, confrontation, greasy food, bright light, lectures, the government, existential crises


like adult nala from lion king, but a little deeper


it can barely remember its past - it can't make heads or tails of who or what it is. she's constantly confused and tired, and his head is always a little foggy. they came from another dimension.

came into existence sometime in the 1990s. clipped into our dimension in 2001. became enamoured with internet culture and technology, and became knowledgeable about them.
through the 2000s, Gosseum met many friends online, on all sorts of websites, from social media, to niche forums, to chatrooms of all kinds.
one day, he grew very, very sick in 2011. he quietly slipped out of our dimension, for almost 7 years.
they woke up in late 2017, at the tail end of November.
the world was enchanting at first, but soon he knew it simply wasn't as fantastic as it had been. her friends had all but forgotten her - and many of the websites she frequented, her holy lands, were all but gone entirely. distraught, he fell apart.

- design notes - 
ear piercings can be on one or both ears idc
any of his dragon-y bits can be made of ferrofluid
ferrofluid doesn't have to be shaded w/ pink (any color or white will do)
ferrofluid is optional! just draw him w/o it if u can't do it its cool
neck doesn't need to be really long! can be shortened if u need it to be (shapeshifting!)

- fun factz -
their bones are made out of STEEL.. which is also constantly conducting electricity. gosseum is really more of a mineral than a creature.. haha
his skeleton is essentially a big electromagnet, which is helpful for keeping the ferrofluid actually like, stuck on him
gossie's hobbies include collecting, repairing, and selling old electronics (mostly phones because she thinks they're cool)
gosseum is actually a lot heavier than they look - in its most common form it can range between 500-600 pounds. (it's the iron)
canon birthday is november 21