Eo's Comments

are they still ufo?

Hello, is this character still available?, if so how much money were you looking for? The highest I could go as of right now is $60, 70ish.

Would you be willing to do 65? (I use PayPal btw,  I don't think I have that added anywhere 🙏)

Yeah!, I’ll be willing to do that^^

Great! My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/NesSqueak, lmk when you send the money and I'll send them over! 

Sent the money!

May I ask what are You looking exactly for this pretty? 

(Like how much money / characters or art) 

Just looking at money offers at the moment (55$ is the lowest I would do since they have quite some art added) 🙏

i could offer some art and money for himz (or more idk aaaa)

would anyone in here interest you? i can do multiple!

Didn't see anyone I like, sorry 🙏


sorry for offering again, would you take some art for them? heres some examples