Taugh Zurek- Farigorg



2 years, 3 months ago


Drawn and designed by https://twitter.com/bau_del_fuego  https://twitter.com/FranBautistart bought on 31.03.2022 for $60 (headshot and fullbody)

Height: 6´2 (187.96 cm)

Farigorg is the name he named himself as he faked his death.
His real name is Taugh Zurek

  • Darkvision. Can see in dim light within 60 feet of as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Aggressive. bonus action, Can move up to speed toward an enemy of choice that he can see or hear. 
  • Skills. Has skills in Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival, track reading and deception
  • Powerful Build. One size larger when determining arrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift.
  • Languages. Speaks, reads, and writes Common and Orc. He learned by his own more later on. 


While beeing a mighty Orc and part of a big strong Tribe, handling beasts and animals among of prisoners and battle, making him the perfect hunter and intimidating Orc of his kind. While others went for bloody murder and fun, Taugh was more of a .. gentler nature. Of course he had his reputation of best (from doing what he could) and while the motivation wasn´t the same after a while, he found a prisoner he once watched over and learned that certain things are worth more than one thinks and that blood and death is not just an end. While listening to this prisoner, he wanted to know more. As his job was to kill the prisoner as the kingdom didn´t want to pay for his release, the Orc made a desicion. His steady beast and the prisoner in his hidden stored waggon making his way. Away from the tribe and having enough of the killing and horders. He made sure his "supposed death" was both ways. Since the kingdom wanted the prisoner gone and the orc wanted out, both faking their death. The Orc travelled by night with the prisoner and forming a friendship.

While travelling the worlds, meeting other fighters and adventurers, the Orc had a blast with all the adventures. In the process having a beloved along the way and birth to a son (halforc, who later owns his own Tavern). With the groups wandering and the later teenage son choosing to live with the mother in the city, the Orc father wandered on to make sure the others wouldn´t find his son and family. Since the old Orc clan was still on his tail in a way as the body of his supposed death wasn´t fully done. Wandering on with the still loyal friend by his side.

They found a good place near the mountains and a lovely river. Making their home as well as a farm they used to grow their own fruits, vegetables and building a glasshouse to make sure they had all they need. Making a small farm with the animals they bought over time. The former prisoner who became his beloved, went to the town nearby and got all they needed. The villagers were wary of the two and knowing there was an orc as well, but gave it no reason to be hostile. Especially since the duo (often) helped them, defending the place and making sure the whole valley and all were peaceful.
Often seen with kids that came by their home, playing as he usually sat on his porch, smoking and telling them tales of the time before. Even teaching some kids to track animal prints or even teaching what to do if stuck, bit or wounded. Becoming a close ally to the village as he was seen as the protector.
There was an incident where he was in a rage while a whole group attacked his home and his beloved was very badly wounded. Showing the vicious side of him.
While his beloved brought to the doctor of the village sadly died on the injuries a week later (as no magic was in this village), the Orc remained most of the time in his home alone. The villagers griefed with him and still remain peaceful with him, giving the time he needs.

Once met a magical guy with whom he shared the home over winter and Spring as the wanderer made his way to the city (where the occurances of a certain Tiefling took place) parting with a gift.


Living in his home as one day deciding to continue his selling to get in some items and such. It was a gloomy, rainy night as he had his carriage with some items he had purchased in a lil city and making his way home, discovering a Tiefling in gorgeous and expensive robes and Juwelery. Attending the boys wounds, finding out about his story and in a way, adopting him as his own son.
7 months the Tiefling stayed with him, gifted him a necklace he made (Stone find within the mountain which is part of a cheops)
As fate struck. 


Sadly the Orc didn´t last long as he got heavily wounded while defending his adoptiv son and telling him not to give up and fulfill his dreams, dying within the Tieflings arms. The farm and all he had he gave to him. The Villagers who witnessed this, made sure the farm was still "intact" and burying him deep and respective.

What fate has chosen, who knows o.o

-has a Horse hybrid he named Orum which is one of the strongest steeds one can find. A wild Animal that has a strong stamina and can last for days without water.
-despite his look´s, he is 49 years old.
-IN group and travels acts like the father or grandpa as he is making sure all are safe and have eaten well
-can be hella intimidating and can be a threat if provoked.
-His sword is later with his Half orc son at the tavern after his adventures
-A strong opponent but a loving guy who can tell a tale like no other at fireplace and resting
