Officer Diego Pèrez



2 years, 2 months ago


officer Diego Perez


Name Diego Pèrez
Called Officer Pèrez
Gender Male
Race Latino
Role Mechanical Engineer
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link


  • Loyal
  • Trusting
  • Goofy


  • Cars and rocket ship engines 
  • His crew
  • 80’s music

“I’ll always be by your side. To the very end.”



Diego Pèrez is the oldest of 6 kids. He was born in Buenos Aries, Costa Rica in 1957. At age 17 his family moved to the United States. Now residing in Dayton, Ohio he runs a side hustle fixing cars to provide enough money for his family to scrape by. Being undocumented doesn't make life easy but one fateful day a well known CEO stops in with a exceptional car in need of an oil change. Diego takes one look at the engine and sees that there’s more than that and offers his services to the man. The man Mr. Carter is more than impressed as his car runs on no ordinary engine but on parts used to make rockets fly to deep space. He seems potential in the man and offers him a job on a station light years away along with money that will keep his family stable for long after he’s back home. After a long talk with his family Diego  agrees to go and becomes the mechanical officer of the USS Persephone. A space station orbiting the star Ross 154. Though this is no normal mission, doomed to fail the mission is to observe how well a crew can survive with a traitor amongst the ranks. Thrown into the side of the traitors unwillingly he soon discovers this is more than he could ever imagine.



  • Diego losses his arm about 4 months into the mission when Major Ad ‘accidentally’ shoots him in the arm His team ends up constructing him a brand new robot arm!
  • The Major of the mission ends up planing a chip into his arm in the name of ‘helping’ make it seem like a more natural transition. Instead she implants a new piece of technology mentally linking the two causing Diego to become the ultimate traitor of the group against his will.
  • Due to this mind control he ends up shooting and killing one of his crew mates.
  • When possessed his arm and eyes will glow blue.
  • Despite his arm being ripped off before they make it back due to how long he was under mind-control a little bit of his Major lives in his mind. Thus making his eyes having hints of blue in them always.



Major Adelaide Smith  [ Strained ]

The Major of the Persephone missions and the traitor as well. After luring Diego into a false sense of security she implants a chip into him connecting their minds with the use of Goddard technology. During a Christmas party Ad takes over Diego’s Brian causing him to kill their crew-mate Ollie. Diego hates her for what she did but feels a kin ship to her as she’s the only one who truly understands him.


Spencer  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.