Duke Orrien Kyaeran



2 years, 2 months ago


Orrien is a gem enchanter/alchemist. However one day he gets a letter addressed to a Duke with a name that's the same as his minus the last name. Seeing this as his way out of poverty with a job he gets used for by other royalty, he lures the actual Duke out who wasn't seen in years. Since no one's seen the Duke since he ran away as a child and all anyone ever knew was he lived in an estate off grid.

Orrien lures him out with a promise of an enchanted gem that would assist the real Duke with his social isolation.It was a long shot but it worked. He ended up actually killing the Duke and since well...no one's seen the Duke since he was a child, Orrien played his years as "hiding" as just coming out of a large isolation period.

His biggest help is being a gem enchanter. Climbing social ladder and such, he wants to get close to the king and overthrow him. He tells other nobles that his gem enchanting is just a hobby he mastered.