Emcie Miyamoto



6 years, 6 months ago


Emcie Miyamoto


Emcie was born into a poverty ridden family, often living in the lesser parts of cities- not quite homeless but almost. For a decent portion of their childhood their life stayed in a similar manner, barely getting by but it being enough; that was until a fateful day. At the age of 10, the family underwent what was documented as a 'tragedy', their only child going into a fit of convulsions from what a local priest called a horrendous possession. After multiple exorcisms from the priest, the enby had thankfully come through with only minor damage and for a bit everything continued as normal. On their 11th birthday, Miyamoto had taken notice to figures lingering at the corner of their vision, by their 13th they were talking to them by the dozens a week. The talent had seemingly been an after effect of the possession, but due to their lack of communication the with their guardians, their parents feared another possession was in their midst and called upon the priest once more.

It is only once the priest speaks with them did they learn of Emcie's ability to see and communicate with those who had passed. Their abilities are thrust into the spotlight when mainstream media catches wind of an enby (mislabeled as a boy in the papers) who can see the dead, local state outlets proclaiming them to either be the real deal or an elaborate hoax. In an unfortunate turn of events, they were left parent-less at the age of 14, but due to their ghostly sight they were still able to see, hear, and interact with their parents as if they were normally there- in all senses except physical that is.

Due to this predicament, Emcie was forced into the workforce at a younger age than they would’ve liked just to keep the home they were living under. It wasn’t all that terrible, however, as their jobs mostly ranged in the supernatural and paid decently the more credibility they gained. After a good amount of time, their credibility was enough to earn them multiple spots in paranormal investigation shows and movies, along with private contracts to help those in need fight the paranormal and most of all, let the ghosts of times past finally lay to rest.

NameEmcie CalledEm
Age21D.o.B.December 30th
GenderNon-Binary (masc)SexualityBisexual
Height5'8" (172.72 cm)
UltimateParanormal Investigator
Weight110 lbs (50 kg)
Chest32" (82 cm)
Elijah Woods

Emcie is a reserved person who often favors the company of the dead over the living; that being said they aren't against being around people in general. To the outsider, they seem fairly shy and unsure of themselves, but kind regardless of their hindrances. Once they're more comfortable with an individual, however, they're fairly head-steady and a good emotional support to any who seem in need of it. They have an empathetic touch and patience that rivals that to a loving mother, only showing itself to those who are truly in need of it.

If you find yourself in a bad place or down in the dumps, even if they are unfamiliar with you they'll still lend their ear and listen; maybe even add some insight.


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