Brindleweb's Comments

I can offer 30 USD + two fullbodies and a headshot! :0c
examples: fullbodies - headshots -

ill accept your offer!!! u have a discord?

Heck yeah!! And yep my discord is sable#6900 :] (I know the numbers are. Like That but that’s what discord gave me years ago and I’ve simply lived with it /lh)

ok!! sent request!!

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hey! i could do a couple shaded fullbodies + a colored headshot for this lovely little kitty :o

I can pay $40 for them!

I could do a Fullbody and $10 if your willing to wait a day or two for the usd? If you take PayPal ofc

around how much would you be looking for?

minimum ill accept with no addons would be like 15 usd

I do that or a little bit more, like around 20, im bad at pricing stuff lol. What payment app do you use?

oh whoops, forgot to add those, i use cashapp and venmo!

Its okay!! Those both work for me!

If you ever decide on 15 or more just lemme know!