


2 years, 2 months ago


my fursona who also is just a bit of a character of their own/has their own sort of story that doesn't relate to me: pastry! yes, that's the name i use for them. i don't have a particular name for them otherwise, haha. i've always just called them pastry.

i designed and have had pastry since way back in 2012! once april 2022 comes, they'll be a whole 10 years old. they've gone minor redesigns over the years but their core design/idea has remained!

they are very beloved to me as such, i'm very attached to them and even if i'm a little more focused on commissions at the minute, they are still who i love to draw in my free time/for personal pieces. here's to hoping i can get more done sometime soon and continue expanding stuff into their page!

some minimal info/background until i can set up an exact thing:

pastry is nonbinary like me! as a character they enjoy getting in touch with the wilderness and nature - they enjoy hikes, camping, picking flowers (but only ones theres an overabundance of, they like to leave plenty to flourish and for the bugs that need them or pollinate them) and foraging for stuff like berries and mushrooms, and wild fruit trees. they've got a backstory technically, but not enough to matter here/not fully expanded on at the moment because it's mostly just random bits that i've thought up of for animations. so for the moment, they're a wildcard and can be placed in a variety of situations! when i don't draw them myself, i tend to get stuff commissioned of them if i have the extra income to do so!