Dibble Dabble



2 years, 2 months ago


How'd I get older than you?54546908_UTIJDtCclrYgfiM.png

I don't wanna be older than you.

Dibble Dabble
The Obsessive Collector

Dibble Dabble, or Dibbs for short, is the sister to Scribble Scrabble!

She loves her brother very much and picks on him a lot. Every day, she tackles him.

She has a big cutesy collection and enjoys filling her room with cute-related merchandise. It's a mess, but it's her mess.

She's very flashy and loves to put as many accessories on her body as possible. It's a contrast to her very shy and reserved brother.

Her outfit is very inconsistent, she can be drawn with anything on, from covered in stickers to band-aids, socks or shoes, a lot of items or little. She loves to experiment and dress up!

Dibbs is extremely sentimental, she'll collect anything and everything that used to belong to a person who has either moved away or passed on.

Next to her collection of cutesy fruits, is a shrine dedicated to herĀ 
dead friend.

I was 17 until today, you're always 17.
54589928_c4V2A9Km3EDvIkh.pngIt's now or never!