
6 years, 6 months ago


"she never spoke a single word. It was by choice, her eternal silence. In place of words she chose thought."

a very gentle, fragile and calm, gracious soul who is wearing a really thin, white, widely cut dress. with the sleeves being transparent and having holes on the outer sides; the places where the holes connect to a loop have a small crystal(or raindrop) instead of a button. She has very big deer antlers where a thin silky thread is tangled in. On the ends of this thread are the same sparkling cystals/raindrops as on her dress. She has very long hair (to her butt) which is straight at the top, but wavy near the bottom. She is bare-feet and over her head/hair rests a transparent silky cloth. She is very pale, palette consisting of only shades of white, pale skin color and very very pale dusty brown for the hair.  

She can always be seen really calm, never speaking and generally rather mysterious. Maybe shes a spirit, or a god, no one knows, but she is roaming around. sometimes people see her, but once seen she simply dissapears in the next blink of the eye. I imagine her to be a forest spirit or god of growth/nature/fertility,  she can make flowers/grass bloom and when she walks somewhere, she leaves a trail of grass (like wherever she steps the grass starts to grow better)