


2 years, 5 months ago


A giant fish bottle creature. Inside its indestructible bottle, lives a whole kingdom of people being mostly protected from outside dangers. They live on a floating kingdom above the water level. In order to enter the kingdom, the mighty creature itself has to allow you in. It's also really hard to break the material the bottle is made of, which is why the grand kingdom is so well protected. This kingdom is one of the most respected and feared of all, altough everybody knows they are a fair and respectable society. They are allied with Jaia and Kishan's kingdom, and will sometimes welcome smaller group of people to find refuge in their walls, altough this mostly depends on the creature they live in. You could fear this almighty kingdom falls under a bad influence, as leaders are chosen by dynasty, but this actually rarely happened, as the large fish-like creature itself will have to approve the future ruler at it's 18th year's ceremony. This creature also loves to get gifts such as flowers or smaller fish friends in its water, and will usually be on good terms with the royal family. It also sometimes talks with other outsiders or members of the kingdom that lives inside it.