Bloinky's Comments

I hope it's okay to comment! Would anyone here interest you for them? Or maybe art? / /

If not though I totally understand!

Hello, thank you for commenting! I looked through and I LOOVE your furby designs so much, would your customs be open for this at all? And if not, that's totally alright!!

Thank you so much! ;; and it's no worries ^ ^ My customs would for sure be open for this ^ ^ I love doing furby customs! Would be happy to do any kind of custom though! I'd love to know what you'd be wanting!

HI IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY But I'd love to get any kind of custom! Is there anywhere else you'd be up to talk about this? :0 I'm not the most active on toyhouse I might be spotty BAHAHA

It's totally okay! No rush at all on responses ^ ^ I'm happy to do whatever you'd like for the custom design furby or not ^ ^ ! I can talk on Twitter or Insta or something like that if that's easier for you o: ! I go under the same handle on both but there's also links to both on my profile too!