[OTA] Nesosil



2 years, 3 months ago


Brief flashes of bioluminescent blue-green through the trees. It terrifies you, your chaser. For the past hour, it has stalked you. Now even the forest isn't safe...

Previously a last remaining haven of tranquility, untouched, for whatever reason, by the wrath of the machines, it is now, to you, the most dangerous place on earth.

You know it is following you, it knows you do, too. It wants you to, otherwise it would hide that taunting blue-green.

Thankfully, though, the trap you're setting doesn't glow. Carefully, acting as though jittery and unsure, you have assembled it. Carefully, as though shaking and pacing back and forth with fear, you are setting it.

When it is done, you run. run for your life. It leaps to life, thrilled at the chase, barrels towards you at an unnatural speed, stretches out its hand, something glowing deadly yellow shoots towards you and-- your trap goes off